el3um4s's Forum Posts

  • I'm trying to make a simple plugin. I want to design simple geometric shape. But I don't understand how I can create the drawGL function.

    I can draw on canvas with instance.draw but I don't know I can do the same with drawGL. If I use gwl.quad I have only a black rectangle. And I can't set the color.

    instanceProto.draw = function (ctx) {
    		var myx = this.x;
    		var myy = this.y;
    		var w = this.width;
    		var h = this.height;
    		ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
    		ctx.fillRect(myx, myy, w, h);
    instanceProto.drawGL = function (glw) {
    There is not information in C3 manual ([url=https://www.construct.net/it/make-games/manuals/addon-sdk/search?q=drawGL]link[/url]). The same in C2 manual ([url=https://www.scirra.com/manual/search?q=drawGL]link 1[/url], [url=https://www.scirra.com/manual/23/runtime-functions]link 2[/url]).
  • Try Construct 3

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  • I just published the first version of my "Local Server for Construct3". I built this Windows app only with c3 (and a bit of javascript).

    It's only an experiment but I'm satisfied ??

    GitHub: Link to releases

    GitHub: Link to source files

    Local Server for Construct 3

    A simple Windows app built with Construct 3. You can choose a folder and start a local server (http on port 65432, https on port 8080).

    How to Install

    Download the Local.Server.for.Construct.3.zip from the releases page. Then extract the zip and launch the "Local Server for Construct 3.exe" file.

    How to Use

    Choose the folder to use like root for the local server. Don't use spaces in folder path.

    If the two circles are green you can start the local server. Differently, you can click to Copy Settings to copy the settings file. Then click to Install Local Server.

  • First: Thanks for this useful plugin It's awesome!

    I have a problem with AliasValue: it's ok with var, not with const and let.

    But if I pass const and let to a function, and I use Call function, I can get the correct value.

    What's wrong?

  • How did you manage to show the leaflet map over the canvas? Did you use an iframe?

    I used the the browser plugin. With Execute JavaScript action you can add a div for the map.

  • The new buttons.

    I choose green as primary color, and I started redrawing the buttons and the windows message.

  • bobibrown You can use the browser plugin. With Execute JavaScript action you can add a div for the map and set the coords.

    I have not tested with Google map but with Open Street map and Michelin it works.


  • I'm working on the user interface. I've added a toolbar, icon, and some buttons (close, minimize, maximize). I have some problems: it does not always work.

    I also set up the loading screen.

    Holy Mother of Pearl that's AWESOME!

    Thank's UberdroidGames

    What about online map viewing and manipulation?

    In the download section you can view and download online map.

    The manipulation section is very basic. I'm doing this for a voluntary association: this program will always be used offline.

  • Today I added a search function with autocomplete and autozoom on location founded.

  • Today I added a search function with autocomplete and autozoom on location founded.

  • I'm working on a simple offline map viewer.

    In my plans there will be two sections:

    • download and save a map on the disk
    • open a downloaded map and browse offline

    At the moment I have set the two sections on a general level.


    In the download section you can:

    • choose the map's style (Toner, OpenStreetMap, WaterColor, Michelin)
    • see an estimate of the tilesmap to download
    • download the map (of course!)
    • choose the folder on the disk where you save the map
    • print the map displayed on the screen


    In the offline section you can:

    • choose the folder from which to load the map
    • print the map displayed on the screen
  • I use this: for JS it's ok but i have problems with css.


  • Just a simple offline map viewer. Still wip.

  • For use my custom stylesheet I use the Browser Plugin.

    + System: On start of layout
    -> Browser: Execute javascript "
    var nameFileCSS = 'myStyle.css';
    var realUrlCSS = this.runtime.getProjectFileUrl(nameFileCSS );
    var styleCSS = document.createElement('link');
    styleCSS .rel = 'stylesheet';
    styleCSS .href= realUrlCSS ; 
    document.head.appendChild(styleCSS );"[/code:g41dfx38]
    [b]myStyle.css[/b] is the file's name. 
    [code:g41dfx38]var realUrlCSS = this.runtime.getProjectFileUrl(nameFileCSS );[/code:g41dfx38]
    That gives you the real URL to request.
    [code:g41dfx38]var styleCSS = document.createElement('link');
    styleCSS .rel = 'stylesheet';
    styleCSS .href= realUrlCSS ; 
    document.head.appendChild(styleCSS );[/code:g41dfx38]
    That append the stylesheet to the header.
    For JS I use:
    [code:g41dfx38]-> Browser: Execute javascript "
    var nameScript = 'myJSfile.js';
    var realUrl = this.runtime.getProjectFileUrl(nameScript );
    var jsFile= document.createElement('script');
    jsFile.src = realUrl; 
  • SquareTune

    - Create chiptune with a board

    Create your chitpunes for free: link to SquareTune

    SquareTune - Create chiptune with a board is my first web app created with C3. It's a simple chiptune generator: the sound are created dynamically by the app. The user select the note and the sequence. It's also possibile to save the tune in an offline file with extension ".c3tune" (it's a json file).

    Add the notes

    To add a note, simply drag it on the board.

    Add circles

    Circles are the core of SquareTune: when a circle hits a note SquareTune generates a sound. It's possibile to choose the direction of circle's movements (up, down, right, left) and then drag it on the board.

    Create patterns

    Right-click to change the direction of the circle when it is above the square of the board: it's possible to create several patterns.

    Hide elements

    Hide all the elements to improve the appearance of the SquareTune.

    Delete elements

    Remove the elements from the board to delete them one at a time. Or click on "Clear All" to delete everything.


    Special thanks to Claudia Falzone for the translations.

    Sound generations based on the kittykatattack's library: sound.js.

    Icons from icons8.com


    This web app is created with Construct 3 Free Edition. I created SquareTune - Create chiptune whith a board with the free edition to test myself and my limits. I'm satisfied: SquareTune uses 50 events and allow to create chiptunes with only 182kb.

    And now?

    Now I hope to have some feedback. And I want to create a desktop version (via NW.js) for Windows and Linux.

  • I'm working on a simple chiptune generator.
