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  • This year I've clocked up a personal best in terms of road miles cycled, conquered the E'tape as well as watched the Tour de France and Vuelta. It got me inspired to have a try at a Road cycling game for mobile. Currently just putting together a mock up and testing the engine idea. Some of the mechanics are borrowed from other cycle games.

    I plan to make a one stage layout where the rider has endurance (Blue) and Sprint (Red) energy. You will be able to replenish once per stage with a gel, draft other riders to reduce spent energy and call team mates for tactics (Breakaway, attack etc..)

    If a Mock version works then I'll look to build a small Tour as a starter and then my idea is to progress into a full career mode, starting as armature building up rider skills / stats (RPG style) to progress into National and then the Grand Tours.

    Very early days so far but its making progress It's something a little different to my other apps!

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  • For A Game By Its Cover jam :3

  • Just being silly right now:

  • Just a simple offline map viewer. Still wip.

  • 1/10/2017

    Mini map system and inventory system WIP

    Mini map system:

    video here:

    inventory system:

    video here:

    thank you to pixel Rebirth for his excellent plugin

    check the plugin video here:

    we still working in the inventory UI and the mini map UI.

  • 3/10/2017

    graphics update.

    first test of the inferno version temple (still working on it).

    menu system test and new GUI desing (still working on it).

    equip GUI

    Inventory GUI

    menu GUI

    Demon chest open GUI

    Demon chest close and tileset inferno version temple

  • Hi there!

    You can download my game for free at Google Play:

    Here are some screenshots:

  • 4/10/2017

    Inferno tile maps updates update.

    here is a second update of the new tile map of the inferno temple an caverns

    I used the wall that ex project partner Leo Sauza created, thank you him for his contribution to the project.

  • Today I added a search function with autocomplete and autozoom on location founded.

  • I made some small games for gamejams, now I am taking all this games together in a gamepack 6x1, it will have at least 2 new games.

    maybe I can make it a 7x1, 8x1 pack.

    the game Varadouro Fight was made for C3jam using Construct 3, now I am remaking it using Construct 2.

    it is all in portuguese, but maybe, in the future, I can make an english translation.

  • Happy Halloween, good people of Scirra!!!

    & a happy Friday the 13th.

    This program has been very good to me & I want to share what what I've been working on.

    A few years ago on Halloween, my girlfriend & I were playing with Perler Beads. We stayed up all night watching horror movies & making little glow- in- the- dark ghosts out of these plastic beads that would then be melted together. we hung them about in our art gallery. Later, I drew the set of my 9 pixel art ghosts into my computer. As I did so I gave them names & it hit me!

    Pearl's Ghosts.

    Featuring, from left to right;

    Santa, Whuh, Fister, Glub, Whoo, Baby, Cornelius, Boo & Kathy.

    I quickly designed the Female Pearl character & started searching for a program that could help make it happen.

    Between other matters, it took me a few years to find Scirra. Once I got my feet wet, there was no stopping me.

    The online tutorials have been nothing short of amazing! In no time at all, my game started taking shape.

    I've worked on every zone in the game. Figured out it's greater mechanics. One fine evening, every zone's theme song raced through my head & in only a few hours, "Pearl's Ghosts" had the greater elements of its sound track.

    This is literally a dream come true. After a life- time of fantasizing. After RPG maker on Playstation. After a highly devoted mod of a "Sonic the Hedgehog" fan game on the "Doom Legacy" engine, I have finally made something I can love & share.

    Now my demo is ready. It is the full first zone of the game & I'm open to opinions.

    Please download it let me know what you think.

    From one Halloween to another, I proudly present "Pearl's Ghosts"!

    Thank you,

    Stewart B. Carson AKA Sparkz ...

  • Finally got back to reworking the boss of the old Grave Prosperity Redux! In this remake the encounter is a little different:

  • Starting an encounter in KlangM. A lot of work just to get past that silly tap to start music restriction...

    Environment art:

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