edwood_grant's Forum Posts

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  • I also have this issue as well <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Hopefully this will get fixed n_n.

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  • I encountered a bug when saving/loading (could be quicksave/quickload or normal save/load command, it doesn't matter) on any cap in runtime mode. Every time you load a saved game, all kinds of objects duplicate inside the game, no matter which.

    This could lead to potentially nasty problems by loading a corrupt save file.

    You only have to load the cap posted here, use left click to save, and then right click to keep loading. You have to run in debug mode to watch the instance count of each object grow and keep gorwing with each "load". There is no other kind of code here, just the save/load. I placed different objects to show that it happens to all kinds of objects.

    One thing I notice is that the "total" objects updates once, but then it keeps silent when I keep loading (although the instances coninue to grow), but if I save, then load (and keep alternating), the object count updates.

    Also, when I select the duplicated objects in the debug menu to examine them, sometimes it crashes, sometimes it doesn't (but it usually crashes more than not).

    I already posted a bug report about this, but I would like to know if this is known (and maybe rushed to post the bug report), or if is there a way for a workaround on this, since it could be a problem relying on the save/load featru and need specific things like counting objects, or something... or maybe I am only having this problem?

    http://www.mediafire.com/file/wktgzuzeg ... veload.cap


    Italo F. Capasso B. AKA "Edwood Grant"

  • 2 posts