EddyDingDongs's Forum Posts

  • Are you exporting to the "www" folder in your Intel XDK project folder?

    Because that's the only thing I was doing wrong and then it worked!

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  • I for one am VERY happy with my Construct 2 game on Android (.APK) working at 56 to 60-fps at 1920x1200px (low-res scaling OFF).

    My tablet is almost 1-year old, came out July 2013. The thing is that in 1-2 years time my current tablet will be the average or below average. So as game developers you need to look to the future, games like Asphalt 8 require reasonably heavy specs to run smoothly, but by being that game that everyone wants to be able to play one day, they stay at the top of the lists for years. Whenever someone upgrades their device the first thing they do is download the games they couldn't play before on their previous device.

    Another thing, I grew up playing games on a Commodore Amiga 500 with only 7-Mhz and 512KB RAM.

    Would it be appropriate for me to be releasing games for that system today? NO! So as game developers u need to be testing on better than average devices, becos by the time you've finished your game many months later the public has caught up and your device might be below average.

    To help you choose which device to buy you need to look at benchmarks like: http://www.androidbenchmark.net/

    And you need to take note of all the specs especially GPU chip model name and number, CPU, amount of RAM, etc... Type in any Phone into this website to see it's full specs + thousands of comments:


    Finally, look at Youtube videos of people actually playing ******** games with the device you want, and also checkout website reviews eg. google search "phone model review"

    Good luck! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • very cool man, very cool.. 8)

  • My C2 game runs great on Android, and it's quite an intensive 2D physics game with hires textures and 1080p graphics.

    I'm getting 56 to 60 fps on a Google Nexus 7" (2013) 2nd Gen... It's very smooth like silky butter!

    I added the CocoonJS object to my project, and exported as CocoonJS, then Ludei compiled the .APK file, i installed the file on my android tablet and i was surprised just how smooth it was.

    So much for all that ranting i've been hearing on these forums about performance not being good enough, maybe stop testing on a 5-year old phone and buy a newer one, my tablet was $288 at Officeworks brand new.

  • for $120 i'm happy with C2. If you look at the success of C2 made games like Super Ubie Land, and Our Darker Purpose that's on Steam for $14.99, then u can see the potential of C2 if you are patient and you keep learning and improving your skills.

    But I do agree with the need for native exporters for android, ios, etc.. Although from personal experience I do have to say that a good export with Ludei or whatever can depend on the settings you use, so fiddle around with the settings like pixel rounding ON, Canvas2D instead of WebGL, try different Physics engines, etc.. and also 1/2 or 1/4 your texture sizes for mobile, it will be alot less processing work for it's little CPU and GPU (if it has one).

    If u read tutorials and fiddle with the settings and keep exporting, then you'll understand what works and what doesn't, then you should get fast frame-rates on mobile.

  • Wow, i read all that and then no replies yet.. oh well i hope someone has some experience with phone performance issues and gives you a good response.

  • I know of one quality C2 game that just came out on Steam called "Our Darker Purpose".

    Put in a good passionate effort into your game,

    Don't just poop out some random game in 2-weeks time.

  • Well done AvidlyWildGames, I was getting worried that I would run into some issue that I couldn't integrate the Steam API with our Node-Webkit EXE's, or that there might be other issues with getting our games on Steam. So thank you for paving the road!!

    Out of respect I would like to buy your new game, but i'm bogged down with alot of work and i'm not sure if I have any time to play it at this stage..

    Thanks again for the good news, I wish you prosperity and continued success with all your games!

  • I too have seen Node-Webkit "exe" revert back to software rendering on my brothers computer (which is 2x-4x faster than my laptop).

    Meanwhile I'm getting 55-60-fps on my crappy laptop with only 20% CPU utilization.

    While my brothers more powerful desktop is only getting 15-18 fps with 90% CPU utilization.

    So the massive increase in CPU usage explains that it is software rendering on one computer, but hardware rendering on the other.

    So from what I have read on these forums I understand that this issue is with Chrome 32 + Node-Webkit, but with Chrome 33 stable release the software rendering issue should be fixed.

    Now all we have to do is wait.. Fingers crossed <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • you can use touch.x("Layername") (or mouse.X("Layername")) which grabs the X according to the layers scale and or paralax.


    Thank you so much!! I had a MASSIVE bug and i didn't know why my mouse controls where gradually more inaccurate as the camera zoomed out / as the layer was scaling. I was using just "Mouse.X, Mouse.Y", and know with your suggestion I use "Mouse.X(1), Mouse.Y(1)" and it works like a dream!! Now accurate mouse controls camera zoomed in or out.

    Thanks a million!! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Is ASM.JS physics meant to work with Node-Webkit export? Becos when I export an .EXE and i double-click and nothing happens, my game EXE doesn't run or open.

    But when I switch back to the old Box2D physics then Node-Webkit export works just fine and my game EXE runs and plays.

    My issue with the old Box2D physics is that I get irregular pauses and freezes in my game that can stop for a few seconds, but in Chrome preview with ASM.JS I played my game for a long time and while it had some mild occasional stutters, it never stopped for a few seconds.

    Please Help!


    OK I figured it out!! So guys you need to turn off "Minify Script" if you want to use the newer ASM.JS Physics with Node-Webkit desktop export.

    P.S. I'm guessing becos asm.js is almost like assembly/machine code, then minifying that would turn crunch it into nonfunctional noise.

    (this may not be the case in future versions but for r161 it's what has worked for me)

  • I'd really like Export for PS4 please, that's where the money's at, xbox-ONE is still selling ok, but PS4 is kicking *** out of all 3 next gen consoles.

    Wii U will only sell 30-million consoles max, that can be a good thing and a bad thing, good thing becos you will have less competition from other games and other developers, bad thing becos your potential market size is 3x or 4x smaller than what PS4 and Xbox-One are each expected to sell (over 200-million consoles between the two).


    I just read Ashley's post, hey if you look at the WebGL and HTML5 compatibility scores for the PS4 and XB1 browsers they both score even higher than the Wii U browser, so that's good news for us!!

    Sony & Micropants are both busy actively promoting their new consoles, and they are also bug fixing and adding important features.. once all that settles down i think we've got a sporting chance at getting on those consoles, i reckon sometime after July 2014..

  • Thank you, i'm about 40-50% in my game's development, so i will look into it in a few months time..

    From my understanding the Wii U developer kit is about $5,000 ?

    I think i would better spend that money on a PS4 developer kit since Wii U will probably only sell a maximum of 30-million consoles.

  • Hi, I would also like to know more about the Wii U exporter, and i do have a personal license for C2. Thank you :-)

  • In the cocoon Plugin, change the physics from accelerated to standard.

    Thanks so much! That worked! :-)