easyDoesIt's Forum Posts

  • Thanks dop2000.

    Please try this link


    this is what happens when i put blue on top of red

  • if you are referring to admob, you can set the rating inside Admob. Go to 'Blocking Controls' on the main page after logging in.

  • Hard to work out the problem without seeing the capx. Try recreate in a simple capx and repost.

  • I'm sure I am missing something simple but when I set a sprite with the platform behavior to ignore a solid with tag "ui" it still lands on it.

    See below. if I drag the blue sprite on top of the red. After letting go the blue box will sit on top of the red one. The blue is set to exclude the red tag?

    I want the blue sprite to fall through the red.

    capx link


  • Thanks for the comments.

    In the end I put in a new event that triggered on when tween is finished. This fixed it however....

    I was surprised in my original script the local variable was being overwritten by the second time the sprite was being pressed. It would suggest the local variable is static but isnt.... maybe I am missing something.



    press sprite 1

    'storePoints' becomes 0


    after 0.5 secs (it takes 2 secs to rotate 90 degrees)

    press sprite 2

    'storePoints' becomes 90


    after 2 secs from start

    sprite 1 is fully rotated

    sprite 1 'sprite1.points' is changed to 90, not 0 as originally stored.


    after 2.5 secs from start

    sprite 2 is fully rotated

    sprite 2 'sprite2.points' is changed to 90

    I would have expected 'sprite1.points' to be 0, not 90.

  • Thanks for the comments.

    In the end I put in a new event that triggered on when tween is finished.

    However I was surprised in my original script the local variable was being overwritten by the second time the sprite was being pressed.... maybe I am missing something.



    press sprite 1

    'storePoints' becomes 0


    after 0.5 secs (it takes 2 secs to rotate 90 degrees)

    press sprite 2

    'storePoints' becomes 90


    after 2 secs from start

    sprite 1 is fully rotated

    sprite 1 'sprite1.points' is changed to 90, not 0 as originally stored.


    after 2.5 secs from start

    sprite 2 is fully rotated

    sprite 2 'sprite2.points' is changed to 90

    I would have expected 'sprite1.points' to be 0, not 90.

  • It's just an example. In reality I am storing the value of the sprites instance variable in a local variable, rotating the sprite, once rotated it is deleted and then a new sprite is created. At that point I want to put the variable value back into the instance variable.

    So the reason I am not storing the value in the instance variable is I am deleting the sprite so I need to store it temporarily while that happens.

  • Hi,

    I have made a CAPX of a larger example inside a game to demonstrate a problem.

    If I touch one of the sprites, the sprites instance variable is stored in a local variable, it tweens (rotating) in 2 seconds, and waiting till it is finished, it is stored back in the sprite instance variable with no change. This works how I want it to.

    However if I touch all 3, 1 after the other, the local variable will take on the value of the last touched event and all 3 sprites will end up with the same instance variable value.

    I had always thought local variables were independently set depending on when the event was run. This doesn't seem the case. So whats the best way to store the value and retrieve after each event has finished.

    Hope I am explaining that well.



  • If anyone else has this problem in the future, I ended up putting another invisible object where it was located. So if touching invisible object it will rotate and always return back to its starting point, if its not overlapping invisible object, it will drag as normal and all actions that follow during drag.

  • Thanks GeorgeZaharia

    I would like it to work on desktop also, i.e. with mouse drag and click.

    I tried this and variations of it but still no luck. Doesnt seem to register the conditions sequentially. Any ideas?

  • Hello, How do I?

    1. when object is tapped, do one action

    2. when object is dragged, do a different action.

    However I don't want both actions to occur at the same time. If the object is tapped, then it should not start to drag as this has a full set of actions to start the drag.

    I tried a variation of events and sequences but couldn't get it to work.

    Is there a way for the conditions to handle this?


  • Thanks, much appreciated.

  • Thanks dop2000. That worked. Can you explain why 'every tick' is not used here, want to understand the logic of why or where it should be used.

  • Hi All,

    I have 2 different objects in a family 'familyPlayers' that walk left or right depending on the 'direction' instance value. When the object falls I want the animation to stop and then when it lands to start again. However when one object it causes the both players to stop their animation. What am I doing wrong?

    Image below of event.

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  • I figured it out. If you set the timeline on a global layer and not on its original layout, no guides will show.

    On the original layout the guides will show.

    I will report as bug