Dyre's Forum Posts

  • Sorry, I'm not interested in working on a team. I have too many projects of my own to get through right now.

    Good luck finding someone though. ^.-

  • Thank you. =D

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  • Is it okay to revive my own thread? I hope so, because I forgot about it and I actually finished a project and am working on another one - so if anyone is still following this thread.


    <img src="http://31.media.tumblr.com/a286e04b0c75b48b7e4bae5cae5559c6/tumblr_mtfz5tqMHs1ru8d6io1_500.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://media.tumblr.com/721fbf96a646bc2ba99b853f6b1a8a7b/tumblr_inline_mqn1s87XPR1qz4rgp.gif" border="0" />

    I finished the little vertical platformer.

    Now I am working on Glimmer again, but with a new style and using Construct 2.

    <img src="http://media.tumblr.com/70d82825e1d6d2ad84d0770abbbe2151/tumblr_inline_mt3yu4bOW71ro0fu0.gif" border="0" />

    <img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/ccf44258dabe34d6f47614e7fa7dd57b/tumblr_mspgawhQXm1ru8d6io1_1280.jpg" border="0" />

    Glimmer is about a little girl made of light in a world of shadow. The goal of each level is to collect a ball of light that will extend her personal glow.

    There's not much of a story, but I plan to add some still picture cutscenes for what there is.

    Shooting for Halloween release.

    I hope no one minds how slow I am to update this, I tend to only post to my tumblr or AGDG threads. As I -am- using Construct, however, I should post here more. ><

  • Sorry for not answering sooner. I skipped the variable waterfalls and just finished the game without the animation.

    Thank you very much for the responses, and the example, I can certainly still use it. =)

  • Hello!

    I have searched and could not find any information on what I am trying to accomplish.

    If anyone has played the Bubbleman Stage in Megaman 2, I am attempting something similar to the waterfall area of that.

    Multiple thin waterfalls across an area that push down on the player, making jumps a bit slower/more difficult. This part I think I can figure out, it's getting the waterfalls in the layout and moving them properly that's driving me crazy.

    What I am looking to do is have the waterfalls raise or lower depending on whether the player is standing under them. So that it looks like the player is interrupting the flow.

    I'm not sure how to do it. Would I use a sprite for the waterfall and have the height difference as an animation frame, is there a way to just shrink the sprite when the player is under it, or is there another way I'm not even seeing?

    Hopefully I make sense.

    Any help is appreciated. Thank you. =)

  • Thank you =)

    Anytime I get stuck on something I end up drawing Nini, so I have quite a few little sketches of her lying around. ><

  • Thanks. ^.-

    Oh, the first project is one of two big ones I want to make someday. They will not be going anywhere, I am going to get to them. =)

    The others are build-up, as I keep over-complicating everything and then I realize I can't actually do this right now.

    Even the Mario clone is proving a bit much because I had to go and make big sprites and now it's taking too long to make them - and as mentioned they are too big. Resizing and figuring out the proper size for collision is proving a pain in my ***** ><


    I have not seen any of those games, and they look pretty neat. I'll look into them. My main inspiration for Oh, Brother is Zelda and Metroid though (for gameplay/exploration). Fortune Summoners has greatly inspired the visuals and tone, as it's one of few side-scrolling RPGs I've found that has real towns to explore (and stars little girls).

    My issues are mainly that I do not have the skills to make it yet. I have the story, most of the quests, items/upgrades/enemies, etc. worked out and written down. A bit of concept art is done too (including menu mock-ups), but I can't really get into making it as it's just too big for me right now.

    I did make a small demo in RMXP, for when I was going to try it as a turn-based RPG. It's outdated now, but the story and dialogue are still fairly accurate. As are the number of side-quests and how much the townsfolk have to say. Everyone has a name and personality and they know Nini as it's her hometown (and her parents are the leaders of it). Ramble,ramble, sorry. >< The link for it is still in the main post of this thread if you want to check it out.

    To show how much Nini is always in my head - I keep redesigning her, but these are likely to stick.

    Her costumes -

    <img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/1fd3b37f82fc06a243701690342fedf6/tumblr_mmpw4uGnc71ru8d6io1_r3_500h.jpg" border="0" />

    And a prettied up one of her main costume -

    <img src="http://24.media.tumblr.com/596bc351fa73ef320da0384e2f6efbd1/tumblr_mn1ekdpaZn1ru8d6io1_500.png" border="0" />

  • More Mario clone with a little extra. Enemies are defeated by hopping on them or shooting them with a gumball (when available).

    Instead of breaking blocks for coins (gum bits), enemies drop them when defeated.

    Chests will contain power-ups, but they're still temporary (in that damage removes them).

    The sprite in the mock-up is the tiny, default version. She has a bigger version and a "Magic Gumball" version (like Mario's fireball). I also need to work out what to use as the Invincibility Star.

    The plan is to just have four levels, fairly short, mini-boss in one and a big boss at the end of the last.

  • I apologize for being so slow to respond here.

    I agree it is an issue for the art-driven devs. I too feel more comfortable getting the look down first, but I also get lost in gameplay ideas. I'm learning that working on the art first is a way to focus myself, so I'm not getting too deep into "feature creep" and going beyond my actual skill level.

    This time I did make some placeholders for the tiles and backgrounds, which has made things go a little quicker.

    Now, however, I'm working on the backgrounds/tiles as I'm not sure what I want for level design yet. Figured getting the pieces in would help.

    I haven't been able to do too much lately, been kind of busy.

    But I have a mock-up of the tiles/bg now.

    Could be too bright...not sure.

    <img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/bcc26226100e5c805f0718d5df8cea8f/tumblr_mmttr0Zinb1ru8d6io1_1280.jpg" border="0" />

  • I have done the same thing. >< The ones mentioned here are not even half the ideas I've gone through, just the ones I've made progress on.

    I get stuck on feature creep and end up making my game ideas too complicated for my current skills. Which is why I keep trying for simpler ideas, based more around gameplay to teach myself how to get to the more complicated ones.

    If this is your issue as well, might I suggest trying to clone a classic game first? To learn the engine you want to work in before trying one of your other ideas (going through your list from simple to complicated). It's working for me, so far. I keep thinking of ways to change it but by having that classic game as a base I know I wont get too far off track.

    If you're stuck with the art, I suggest working out the game first. You may not need as much as you think, and getting the gameplay figured out will tell you what exactly you need.

    I had no idea what style I'd be using until I actually started playing in the engine. You can see how the art style changed with each engine switch. Now I'm focusing on simple, easy to animate, because I can't avoid the art (I can't seem to use placeholder boxes ><) but I want to make a very simple game.

    If you need help learning how to draw what you need, I know of some great tutorials, just ask. =)

  • Man, I just sort of forgot about this thread and now I feel awful.

    I do not have anything playable yet. =/

    I keep hitting walls and having to switch to a simpler starter project. Currently I am halfway through the first level of a candy-themed Mario clone. It seems to be going a bit quicker than other attempts, so I think it will be the first thing I actually finish.

    Oh, Brother will have to wait until I know what I'm doing. ><


    For the Mario clone, I do have assets to show. Sprites, mainly (working with placeholder backgrounds/tiles until I get the level finished).

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/57993819/screentest.png" border="0" />

    An in-game shot. Current title is Sugar and Spice.

    Story is; Little bubblegum girl, Princess Sugar, battles her gingerbread sister, Princess Spice for control of Gumdrop Castle and all of Candy Kingdom.

    Spice has stolen the crown, banished her sister to the Taffy Pits and now fancies herself ruler of Candy Kingdom.

    Sugar must escape her prison, battle through her sisters cookie creeps and take back her throne.

    When she banished her, Spice tore much of Sugar apart.

    Because of this, Sugar is very small and lacks power. She will need to acquire new gum pieces to grow and regain her strength.

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/57993819/Sugar%20set.png" border="0" />


    <img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/3d151b88ac97e7f5f0c7385181b48f27/tumblr_mk9c2cF4PP1ru8d6io1_250.png" border="0" />


    More here; coffeedaydreams.tumblr.com/tagged/sugar


    I promise to update when I have something playable. ^.-

    Edit; Okay, that is the third time my post was eaten - if you want to see more Oh, Brother stuff (I do have the style figure out now) you can find it here; coffeedaydreams.tumblr.com/tagged/oh+brother/page/2

  • I'm still around, working on enemy AI and trying to figure some things out.

    Have a mock-up, it's not perfect but it's something(there are more but they are unfinished or I've deemed them hideous). I still need to figure out how to actually get the enemies to do that(crawl along the wall, or same enemies but different gravity for each).

    <img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ZT0b1MGpo2c/UImcx-riiXI/AAAAAAAABSE/6fSa3MvLOb8/s1600/Glimmer+Mock+Level.jpg" border="0" />

    The plan for visuals will likely be a painted style like the mock-up, using solid masks to make it work in-engine. Because I have yet to figure out how to make properly sized tiles. I end up making them too big or too small and resizing mucks with the collision. So, solid masks it is.

    The tutorial I have been following uses masks as well, so I'm going to assume this is how it is generally done. I do not know.

    I'm currently stuck on figuring out the art style, it's apparently something I have to do or my brain wont let me do anything else. So I'm drawing things, trying to get the levels figured out and how enemies will move along (of course how the player will as well). Fun stuff, but not much to really show. =/

    Will post when there's more to show. The month is almost over and I don't know if I'll make my self-imposed deadline, but I will keep trying. I might have a level done by then at least. Whatever helps me learn and get closer to the bigger project is all that matters to me.

  • Aphixe; Do not be afraid. This seems like more of a "show art", than a "rate art" thread.

    There is a bit of a range here already. You have the pros, the ones just picking it up, and those still learning/becoming more serious about it(as all artists should be learning, always).

    I'm sure your stuff is just fine. ^.-

  • Greetings!

    I am Dyre, and I like to scribble and write stories. I started combining the two into game ideas using RPGMaker years ago. My ideas outgrew that program. I learned of Construct Classic through the website of one of my favorite indie developers (Konjak) and now I am here.

    I draw, I write, I daydream about games starring adorable little girls going on epic quests and doing awesome things with unconventional weapons. ...


    I posted other things before introducing myself. =/

    Hopefully you guys wont hold that against me. I look forward to learning lots and meeting all of you probably awesome people. ^.-

  • All of the amazing art in here made me a bit hesitant to join in, but I'm going to anyway. You guys are amazing though. I am just a scribbler.

    <img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sO_enwgBAWY/UJY-yzLw3AI/AAAAAAAABas/_MPCM7Oahzo/s1600/Remnants.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ZT0b1MGpo2c/UImcx-riiXI/AAAAAAAABSE/6fSa3MvLOb8/s1600/Glimmer+Mock+Level.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-t-pdfexf5fQ/UFCTkVmOEfI/AAAAAAAAAeo/uMIG04m2bm0/s1600/Slim+Nini.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/--sRrcq72aLg/Tof4L63KEBI/AAAAAAAAACI/v2D_98bEgG0/s1600/Reapers.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7fyBbjz5ptE/TyKln7-kEcI/AAAAAAAAAMY/Q07gLmvJTpU/s1600/Starfall_Wisp.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-EbVsr1muHLE/UCLhlJiSveI/AAAAAAAAAZw/yz1EPbNlFXE/s1600/Sidescroll+Mock-up.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-5V2jJIDdSqs/TqtRV1pXz0I/AAAAAAAAAE8/pyI-MFHhaiM/s1600/BASETURN.gif" border="0" />

    <img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3t-EE8EERl4/TofzNwvl9EI/AAAAAAAAAB8/IUFwf5_N9T4/s1600/Sybil+Soul+Death.gif" border="0" />

    <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eLquhJioU3M/UB9fJYVDW2I/AAAAAAAAAZY/no-olJNoEZg/s1600/nini+sprite2+wip.png" border="0" />