DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • learn.dvorak.nl

    Many years ago I typed around 65 words a minute using the standard qwerty method. I also suffered wrist pain and neck pain and back pain. I did a lot of research and found dvorak method. I grabbed a typing program and unlearned my touch typing qwerty method and learnt dvorak method. My speed the first few days dropped to 20 words a min, but after a week I was 80plus words a minute and I have never had sore wrists, sore neck or sore back again. It is what the keyboard was supposed to be, but old typewriters got jammed. Today, keys don't jam so qwerty is the worst method under the sun.

    Google dvorak method of touch typing. All computers have it built in by the way. I use a standard keyboard, no need for a dvorak keyboard. You don't need to see where the keys are, that is what touch typing is all about.

    My thoughts on it.

  • If c2 is open for extended period / or if lots of work has been down in small period, it gets sluggish, it either crashes - very irritating. Or, if you close it which seems to speed it up again if it is sluggish, it crashes, won't close etc.

    I think this is great software, it is just very unstable at the moment.

    I hope they find the gremlin soon.

  • I use globals.

    Player_One_Active = 0 or 1

    Player_Two_Active = 0 or 1

    Then based on the above yes player is active I make player_X active

    Active_Player = (1,2) numbers being player number

    This is a double check type system.

    Using a lot checks

    System - Active_Player = 1

    condition Player_One_Active = 1

    Do this and that and that and this

    Create function called end of turn or something and

    turn Player_X_Active = 0

    And swop Active_Player = 2 etc

    and run function at end of players turn whatever that may be

    System - Compare Variable is your friend in turn based lol

    Edit: There are 3 tutorials online somewhere

    already using turn based. Will try and dig up links

  • Woot! Thank you Ashley, managed to update and it seems to work fine. Got the latest 141 beta.

  • Just saying for those who haven't tried it - this fix is magic, I hope it gets worked into future versions, because it is so nice being able to open via explorer window again. Thank you so much bug_fixer, this is awesome.

  • tried to get latest beta, but can't get it too run, had to uninstall and re-install R139.

    C2 is a great idea, but in reality, as software it isn't stable AT ALL, R139 crashes, freezes all the time. It also should never have been put on steam. Steam just can't handle software or C2 just can't handle steam, either way it just doesn't work as software should.

  • My steam hasn't updated mine to the new beta, how do I stop it as I got lots to do today and don't want these issues.

    I have marked that I don't want beta's.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Been watching, been waiting and Wow! Amazing what some kick ass graphics do.

    I just started with C2 so don't know how much help I can be, but I will be watching this mature into the game you envision.

  • It works! bug_fixer, thanks for this, it works great. This is going to help tons until scirra/steam fixes the issue.

    Thank you, thank you.

    Edit: and if it is started already it opens selected file in project menu - very cool thank you. So I can now open from browser <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • bug_fixer,

    Thanks for this... don't take it the wrong way - just watching out for my machine

    What does it do? What operating system? A little more info for us who are concerned about installing. Could a developer confirm that this is okay?

    (Please bug_fixer, not trying to offend you, I am so grateful if this works, just need to make sure that it doesn't break something because I use win 7 64bit proffessional and it tends not to play well with others ) <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • There is another thread on this somewhere in bug section. You are not alone.

    Has happened to me every other day since i installed.

  • Tips: Bookmark this page.


    Seriously.Page has everything you need to build board game

  • I'm busy building one. Works great and construct is fantastic. You can use construct for free to learn, try out. The real hinderance for free version is 100 events. My Boardgame is currently under a 100, it was a lot more (I brought license), but I optimized so now it is under a 100 again. But I am not finished yet so expect it to go up again. But 100 events is enough to give you a true perspective.

    Lots of plugins for board games too. (movement type stuff)

    Very cool software -having loads of fun with it.

  • link works - just downloaded it now.

    Edit: Wow, just what I wanted - super cool thank you