DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Because when I turn it into an int() from a Str(), the 01 turns into a 1

    Of course it does, in numbers you don't get 01. That is cosmetic 1 is 1

    01 = 0 because 0x1=0

    You can show user 01, but when you calculate you use 1.

    Example below is to show 01 to use 1 as calculation just add int(variable)

  • TiAm, new file attached above - last one didn't show 1000000 correctly due to rounding error....

    Credit goes to R0J0hound - wish I could find his orginal thread on this.

    And attached without the decimal

  • Try this

  • Lol, still with the text boxes

    Turn variable into text and save it as '01'

    then when you need it turn it into number int(variable)

  • Yip, its back and I see tom is playing with the forum sigs - lol. Busy guy.

  • kota,

    THere you go. And that was actually in the construct > new > template(move to mouse) I just added pined behaviour and a variable purchases and tick boxes and a opacity.

    Like I said all freely available and templates already built with tons of comments etc.

  • OKAY.

    Really simple, I didn't design shop. Just used variable purchased. 1 = yes | 0 = no

    If yes, then ship wears sprite2. If no, ship doesn't.

    Sprite(ship) moves to mouse and sprite2 is pinned to ship.

    Ship always wears sprite2 (cloths), I just make it visible if he purchased, or invisible if he didn't

  • but i dont get how the make the item go to the player when he plays the game i dont get it mayhe it cus im a video learener all i need is the and then i can publish my game

    Give me a little bit, will post something.

  • kota,

    I understand your bad at english, its not a problem.

    What you're asking is basics of construct.

    Have you done the ghost shooter tutorial?

    Have you done the space blaster?

    Have you gone through any of the example templates?

    I ask because they cover everything you need.

    You notice your coin is actually a health bar - all those tutorials cover that.

    You want player to wear his purchases. Look at real time startegy templay. See how they make the tank wear the turrent etc etc etc.

    Guizmus gave you a perfectly good shop example. And all I see you doing is giving screenshots of what you want.

    My gut says you are not interested in actually doing any work, and expect others to build this for you (based on your past posts I don't see any active involvement from your side)

    Some people make games, others pay people to make games (there is a job board if you don't want to make your game)

  • i made a shop system but what i am saying is how do i make the item add to the player say i bought a tshirt from the shop how do i get it to add to the player?

    You mean you want the player to wear the item?

  • kota - Guizmus was kind enough to build it for you here

    You just have to polish it up. But the technical stuff is sorted.

    Sidenote: submitting multiple topics with same issue (request) is going to get you in trouble with mods even if one is help you build it, the other a video on building it. Same issue.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • THere is a good post somewhere with great example - wait let me see if I can find it....


    Advanced Wars Grid Movement Look on page 2 for great tilemap example with tile co-ordinates.

    Damn, new forum mest with my bookmark system and can't find the one I was thinking of. But it's a father and son who making a game and they gave a little capx on movement and tilemap. Search grid / tilemap and go through all the results - its got to be in there somewhere

    Still can't find it - here is an opens source project I was following but got shelved... it was implementing AI Cohack

  • Nothing quick about what you are asking. But the mechanics is already done. Search inventory/inventories and you will get at least 15 ways to do it.

    Examples on forums uses dictionary/array/xml/etc so take your pick.

    As Rabenmutter said, don't expect someone to programm the whole thing for you - lol. The forum is great as the folks here are super helpful and can push you in the right direction, some might even have a little time to help you expand a bit.

    But I think there is enough on inventories to keep you busy for some time


    Going through your post history - seems like you expecting the forum to build your game for you. You want videos, coins, etc etc etc.

    Brutally honest here: You say you got a big game to make, that is fantastic, but a big game is going to take you a year or so to make - so you had better decide to get good at it and start learning how to do C2 yourself.

    I suggest you open C2 and click new and go through every single template there is and learn the mechanics. What does a platformer got to do with a shop? you say, well nothing... but the mechanics used in the platformer/rpg/car game is the same as any other game, it's just used slightly differently.

  • A quick question, is one license per computer or one license per user?

    because i want to buy one and i want to know if i can use it for 2 computers i have.

    Thanks for all.

    Here are the Details

    The license is for the individual rather than their computer. This means you can use your licensed copy of Construct 2 on as many computers as you like, so long as you are the only one using it. Other people must buy their own license. Remember Construct 2 can be used as portable software (see Installing Construct 2). You can put your license file in the install directory on a removable drive and take your licensed copy of Construct 2 to any computer.

    That about sums it up. I have it installed on various machines (office, laptop and gaming pc) I've also installed it on my wifes ancient toshiba to test performance on one of my games. But generally I work off my gaming pc (I like Power) can run multiple applications on multiple monitors - got to love it.

  • Sole Dev, damn that is some crazy work ethic - and smarts

    And Tom, you buring the candle with this new forum changeover - and doing remarkable job.