DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Here is full game for you... has grid movement and turn-based and AI

  • Lol, how to stop the you've been referenced in post. This is not the , this is just someone posting within a post I posted in. It somehow adds me to be notified. Even if notify me if post is posted is not ticked.

    I love all the notices, but wow??? lol

    Edit: and it doesn't happen all the time.

  • Exactly Rabenmutter

  • teacherpeter

    Agreed, I was stressing a point. He has been banned repeatedly and hasn't learnt.

    Actually come to think of it, I think he is back again (new username) and I helped him out, because he handled that post correctly. I think it is him, asking same questions, but perhaps he learnt. All I hope he has tossed the cracked version and is using the free as he says.

    That way with respect, understanding and integrity, he can build his game. Oh, work ethic too - lol

  • I use one layout, and various layers to make menus. You can set layers visible/ invisible etc. so you can cycle through menus by hiding them etc

    also put the events for menu in group and activate/deactivate group so that user doesn't trigger an event accidently.

    So menu is always on top of game, it is just invisible and deactivated until I activate, make it visible with button or whatever.

    Some tutorial in tutorial section with basic menu and tabs etc.

    Worth a look

    Thisalso explains a bit.

  • shadowlord: May I look your code in construct project ?

    He gave this link to his cap

    Edit: posted same time as zenox98

    Also if you refering to his whole/finnished project - I seriouly doubt that. People work hard, some spending months making something, and trust me unless they abandon it, it is safe to say they ain't ever going to give you their work.

  • Katala,

    N1, looks great

  • Here you go there is a capx on page 2 I think. Very cool. On my todo list to implement myself in a few weeks.

  • DUTOIT - So true. I still haven't figured out For Each. I just try putting it in every event until it works

    Lol, I did that too for wait 0.5 seconds. I was almost pulling my hair out trying to get a object to wait a beat, and eventually just added it all the way up the foreach sequence of events till I found the right spot.

    I'm still trying to understand why it only works where it works. Will have to ponder it over a whiskey one night.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Glad it is solved. I spent a fair amount of time getting my own correct. Amazing how a little thing can bring it to a halt.

  • Here is an example i did for someone else saving coins.


    It check if it exists, if it does then load it.

    It save it automatically as global variable changes,

    It loads when user returns to game,

    It has a reset button lol

    I did it quick, but it shows the process.

  • giffjo

    I'm back as promised with a demo - Apology, I did this quick but it works and I managed a few comments

    Edit: Forgot to add instructions. Left mouse click adds coins and right mouse click removes them. I needed a way to add coins, don't know how you doing it.

    Also, it is all automatic. All you need to do is add/subtract and it saves to global variable "coins"

    It also auto saves to webstorage when coins does not equal totalcoins.

    I also added auto load of users stored coins when they come back to game.

    And added a reset button.

  • Everytick can't be on on start of layout.

    On start of layout runs once on start of layout.

    Every tick is every tick of the game and runs continuously.

    I am impressed, this is a brilliant way to get a response. I will love to help you out. Give me a little bit of time and I will come back with the correct sequence to save coins

  • You've asked this question before here

    I suggest you open your C2. CLICK new and go through a few of the example templates. There are a few examples that show you exactly how to do that.

    You didn't get a response because

    A) its weekend

    B) there are loads of examples

    Don't double post either - gets you into trouble

    Edit: Welcome, and how to get help. Show you actively trying to solve your problem. Provide a snipet of your issue, and where you are struggling.

    Work through the examples and ask questions on those examples: They are heavily commented and usually solve the basics quickly. And gets you learning the software. Read the manual. You haven't read even 20 pages yet.

    Folks want to see you are interested in learning, then they become interested in helping(teaching

    Oh, check out the tutorial section - some FANTASTIC Stuff there.

    And remember you might have no interest in a doing a car racing template, but remember that the same game mechanic used in something like car racing or tank wars or ??? is used in other games too.

    The only way to learn is to do. Try and recreate 3 of the example template games. Then you will be blown away how much you've learnt and what you can now do with this super cool software

    Example of correct way to get response: link

  • You have to wrap it up in foreach sprite1

    insert events

    else (this is optional)

    do something else.

    Sprite is singlular and will only do the first instance of first sprite.

    Foreach loops through each instance of the sprite1. Hence instance variable, and instance variable of a particular instance of that sprite1

    I just did something similiar, not time but locations of sprites moving and touching other objects.

    This is how I understand it, and it works for me (using the foreach).

    It takes some trial and error getting the sequence right with the flow of events too.