DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Chess AI is really that complicated. And not one is the same because of who put it together, some are shockingly bad.

    There are tons of algorithms available on the net that you will have to implement.

    You can copy a open source chess game's ai, or write your own.

    Have a look at this.

  • set text > nameofobjectwithinstancevariable.variablename

  • JosepM

    1 sprite for zones. With instance variable active. Drag that sprite out for each zone. place into container with city name. add touch and watch the magic. Construct2 is super smart. Each zone sprite will take on the characteristics of the origanal. But it is smart can detect which is being touched. I added a text box which shows which sprite is being touched (id) and city which is part of that sprite, and changed image to reflect active.

    So container you will drop everything related to city (marker, name, units, whatever) and drag and place them where you want them. You want to re-use objects not clutter your game with 1000's

    Example is Pretty basic, but will help you on your way.


    Breakpoints probably wouldn't be much use as it's crashing just clicking the event sheet.

    zenox98 Lol, yip, I completely missed read it, I did re-edit obviously whilst you were typing.

    Another issue could be all those text boxes - text boxes are bad spritefont is good. lol

    My best guess, is it is a little bit of a coding mess in there - lol.

    3000 unique images - wow.

    100 layers.

    1 event sheet

    and only 39.6mb download size and 65.7 memory use. Scratches head. Hard one to pin point.

    1 event sheet is a no no,

    You need a main event sheet that includes various sections (that you can then disable for bug testing etc)

  • Can you at least edit before it crashes?. Can you load a autosaved/backup copy. Sounds like it might be corrupted.

  • Excal,

    Cool. Just bookmarked blog and following facebook project.

    Just trying out your ludlum dare entry - very cool. Nice base (prototype) looks like a worth while project. Will view from the side line as it looks great.

  • I'm not quite certain why this is in the 'completed' section, as it's really an incomplete project with several completed 'parts' that other C2 users can take features from if they're willing to dive into the events. If someone can move it to the 'WIP' section that would be more appropriate I think.

    I'm just going to go ahead and say I'm not going to be picking this project up anytime in the near future - at least not for a year or so. I'm going to be focusing on working on my online CCG for the next few years. I may return to this project sometime in the future, but it most likely won't be a project continued in C2. I'll rebuild it in something else since I'll probably have a lot more experience in gamedev and programming at that point.

    I also want to say this project is probably going to be my final (albeit incomplete) contribution to the C2 community. I'll be modifying my original post to say all art assets included in this project are now free for anyone to use, royalty-free. Note that I will still retain the rights to the name CoHack (and I do own cohack.com).

    C2 has been my starting point for gamedev, but after diving into programming I think the possibilities and control are just greater with code than C2's event system. Still, this community has been absolutely wonderful and I have learned a lot. I'm part of a lot of indie dev groups and anytime someone asks how to get started, I direct them to C2. Scirra has created an absolutely wonderful product that is evolving at an amazingly fast rate, and I can't wait to see some high quality commercial games created with this software.

    You will be missed, and best of luck. Any other websites projects you busy with - would like to follow your progress overall.

  • I always use firefox - currently latest ver 29 - and it doesn't show in that, but it does show correctly if I use Internet Explorer.

    So at the moment, it rules out the GPU and points a finger at firefox, or one of it's plugins/addons.

    I do see an error in console regarding texture size, but unknown if that's relevant at the mo.

    I can see it in IE, Chrome, and firefox, so it is something specific to end user or a restriction within the game.

    Its got to be something obvious. Friday night and been a long week, can't put a finger on it. Perhaps Ashley has an idea?

  • It's not a monitor issue. After further testing, my mates can play the game on Internet Explorer, but not on Firefox or Chrome. So it does have something to do with those browsers it seems.

    Who would have ever guessed that IE would beat Chrome and Firefox to anything huh

    EDIT: I've set the game window to 854x480, a simple 16:9 resolution.

    Both my chrome and firefox recently updated. I'm using latest versions respectively. And can't test older versions, need to be at office for that. Hope you figure it out. will follow, as that is something that needs an answer for

  • Strange. It's all black for me.

    Seriously? That isn't good then, I can understand 1 or 2 but this isn't good then... it must be on users side, but what would the cause be?

    I wonder if it has to do with latest chrome/firefox updates?

    What else updated recently?


    chrome ver 34.0.1847.131

    firefox 64bit nightly


    You got anything that could not show background based on monitor size or something? Any restrictions or requirements?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Looks fine? If you can see it then others can see it or they have issues on their side.

    This is what I see.

  • You are building a game board risk type game right?

    Take a bit of time and watch this

    Subscribe to Construct videos now


    Edit: the videos will explain more, and in more detail than I ever could

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  • >

    > > And gaming can be a good revenue too like everything else or not?

    > > Everything can be a good revenue. You need only the idea. :O

    > > Realization is easy. it's like a apprenticeship or whatever.

    > >




    What do you mean?



    How old are you?

    Ideas are worthless. Realization is damn hard, or completely reliant on luck.

    Only way to make money is to invest excessive amounts of time (yours or others).

    You can [ learn, then earn ] your way into money.

    You can [earn, and learn] your way into money.

    You can [inherit] your way into money.

    You can [marry] a cougar and take her ex husbands money.

    The last two are for the select few, and perhaps you are lucky enough to find yourself in bed with a golden goose.

    For the rest of us, it is work, work, work, fail, fail, fail, work, work, work, fail, fail, fail.

    Nothing easy about making money - shortcuts exist, yes, but 'easy and money' are never to be used together in same sentence.

    I know tons of writers who think the software is going to make them best sellers. I know tons of game makers who think the reason they aren't successful is because of the tools they use.

    Doesn't make a diff what you use, as long as you use it...

    Start Something.

    Finish Something.

    Sell Something.

    Rinse and Repeat.

  • And gaming can be a good revenue too like everything else or not?

    Everything can be a good revenue. You need only the idea. :O

    Realization is easy. it's like a apprenticeship or whatever.