DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Recently I've had to login every time I come to the forum (once a day probably), is it because I use 2 computers?

    Yes. It stays logged in only on 1 pc, if it detects you are logged in on another pc, it logs you out automatically... This is the right way to do it. Even amazon etc do this, except that they fake log you in(using cookies).BUT If you try to do anything account related, then you suddenly have to log in again.

  • Hi i have vindows 7...

    It is really hard to work so much time, and see than on other pc or laptops that it becomes sometimes quite slow...

    So instead of a browser game maybe a desktop game will be a better idea ? what do U think ?

    The issue is... and not really an issue. Your desktop game will be a browser game. Node Webkit is a striped down chrome browser. It has been optimized etc.

    I think you should do what everyone does... go through the performance post, checking each and every detail.

    Actually do yourself a favor and run a copy of space invaders the c2 one that ashley did. I use it to test it isn't my device (if it runs on my mobile/pc/whatever and my game doesn't then I've done something wrong.

    Test, check performance and then check your game from a to z

    Physics all the way to third party plugins. Something isn't meshing.

    Look, I don't know how big your game is??? And via pc you will see greater performance. But if it works in preview, then there is no reason why it isn't working on export.

    Have you run preview over lan on your laptop? I preview on my pc / my laptop, my tv, and my mobile phones.

  • Don't completely understand what I have to do now... Can we talk in skype/icq maybe?

    1 on 1 - Put in a job request, or share a capx, screenshots are great, but tell you nothing. And most of the time it is trial and error, trying many different ways... and "we" haven't the time to build a demo to trail and error.

    So do a little capx with multiplayer and animations. Strip it down... it will allow others to tinker.

    But you are pretty much on your own. Multiplayer is pretty complicated, no matter what you use... and is most definitely advanced.

    I am pretty good with most things and I am struggling to get stuff to sync - lol.

    Just keep...Tinkering, Just keep tinkering, Just keep tinkering...

  • When releasing your first game what's a good market website to target first as a new developer would it be Desura , steam or green man gaming .Or perhaps should i release it to multiple websites. Do anyone know how often do the developers get paid from there sells with Pc Games . And Im quite sure its going to be Rough getting my first game out there but im willing to pay any fees

    Your website, your own domain name, your own traffic, your own email list, your own loyal fans (followers).

    Getting Exposure, Creating Buzz... getting a following of fans.

    But your game is a product. Take of your game developer cloths and put on your marketer, business owner, salesman suit. Because it matters nothing what you game is, where you try and sell it. What matters most is the amount of eyeballs that see it, like it, and wanna by it. That is your job. You have to get it infront of their eyeballs, the game must be good enough for them to like it, and you have to make them want to have it - NOW!

    Games are not sold in shops, they are sold via social media. Sure money is exchanged in shops, but the decision to buy happens elsewhere.

    The point: Spend less time making games, more time getting names.

    First game will creating a small following and if you did a good job, they will by, continue to buy your games, and tell all their friends... its a snowball effect.

  • What operating system? Because XP and Vista you will see massive drop in performance. Depending on memory management (I think, I'm not clued up... something about both systems disabling rendering something or other) Ashley has written about it lots in the forums. Not my area of expertise sorry.

    Compare your chrome chrome://gpu/ to your pc one and see what stands out

  • Magistross, you never cease to amaze. Nice use of functions.

    Was about to use regex, but that got a little complicated - lol.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Pong... with guns.

    Pong... with basketball hoops

  • >


    > Yeah, it pretty much rounds it up or down to whole number.




    I thought floor rounded the number down?

    Is it different in Construct?

    Lol, you are a 100% right... my bad

    exctract C2

    [quote:1q6iuy46]floor(x) Round down x e.g. floor(5.9) = 5

    I was thinking round which is better to use in most cases... agggh! long day



    Edit, for general info: I said most cases, here is why I went for floor:

    Range---------floor() -------- round()

    [0, 1)--------------0 ------------- 0 or 1 [1, 2)-------------- 1 -------------- 1 or 2 [2, 3)-------------- 2 -------------- 2 or 3 ... -------------- ... -------------- ... [9, 10) -------------- 9 -------------- 9 or 10 It is was more predictable
  • I would love this to be implemented. But please don't ashley. A hack for one phone to comprimise many isn't a good thing. Samsung S3, S4 are full of bugs... this would only fix 1 little issue at the expense of all the other mobile phones, samsung needs to sort there issues out and that list is long!

    samsung - webtrc (get with the program samsung - you gone and broke chrome mobile browser on your phone - fix it)

  • I never heard of floor being used before, so I googled it.

    Yeah, it pretty much rounds it up or down to whole number.

    Bookmark this page. Google those too, clamp, float, right, left, find etc etc etc

    Will simplify your life

    oops, forgot to close the bracket 2*floor(random(32))

  • Scene Animation Editor is cool.

    As for their costing tier system - doomed for failure! Or success, but that is if their gamble pays off.

    I'm very skeptical. I doubt it will succeed... the entry point is too high for a unproven product where so many current similar products have failed where these guys say they will succeed.

    They still using wrappers... so... Oh, well...

    I wish them luck, it really looks cool. But... I am skeptical.

  • This is really irritating that you can`t even send PM without 500 rep..

    This is by design

    Lots of new users, hit the forums and decide it will be fun to PM people to make capx files for them. It just puts a learning barrier between harassment and self sufficiency. In order to get 500 rep you need to perform a few basic tasks, read the manual, interact a little on the forum etc etc. Thereby "hopefully" getting some knowledge. Unfortunetly, most new users never actually want to learn the software, and usually disappear long before they can harass others

  • Even number means it can be divided by 2



    32*2 is 64 that is why.

    attached is a repeat 100 to see if it works???


    0*2 0

    1*2 2

    2*2 4

    3*2 6

    4*2 8


    31*2 62

    32*2 64

  • Okay, so I got it to work with "Load from JSON string", but, why is it like this? You need DOUBLE QUOTES, like five hundred brackets??? I just. Thank you for the help, but this is absurd..

    ( for anyone looking for how to get as close to an array literal as you can get in this software:

    System -> On start of layout (or whatever proc you want)

    -> Array -> Load from JSON string "{""c2array"":true,""size"":[10,1,1],""data"":[[[""words""]],[[""words""]],[[""words""]],[[""magic""]],[[5]],[[""numbers work okay without quotes""]],[[1]],[[2]],[[3]],[[4]]]}"

    Seriously though, why does it have all these unnecessary complications? Anyway, you can populate an array like this, if you do the quotes and brackets right, just make sure you do it just so, it'll yell at you if you don't, or just not work.

    I still haven't figured out how to load an actual file into the array, but that's fine, this works. It's all in one place which is good enough.

    But yeah, thanks, got it working without having to manually add individual values to the array and save and load and save and load and such. Cheers!

    Did you check the tutorial section? Did you read the manual?

    There are multiple ways to do this, you can use a text file, a ini file, you can write a single array entry, you can even have a variable = "Words, words, magic, 5, words etc".

    So many ways - this software is brilliant.

    Suggest you add files to your project files,

    Here is a tutorialI did awhile ago.

    It wasn't written to answer you question, but it does what you need to do.

    And here is really simple example...if data isn't going to change, this demonstrates another way to do it...


    You don't even need to use the array in above example.

    Just put into variable = "words|Words|words|magic|5|19|etc|"

    And use tokenat(text,index,seperator)

    so tokenat(variable,3,"|") will give you magic as index is 0words,1Words,2words,3(magic)

  • Add your json to projects and use ajax

    I wrote this tutorial awhile ago, it has the json in projects files, it uses ajax, pretty straight forward really. I know it was to actually use the data in array, but how I got the data into array is what you want to look at.

    Edit: just took screenshot

    Now you have your array you need to save it to webstorage


    Ingamedata is the name of my array in this example