DuckfaceNinja's Forum Posts

  • New items\backpacks respawns\erases with time and in case of it new players connects you propose to send for everyone newcomer messages about every loot positions?

    Yes, doable in the form of array.asjson . However to set it up, it is not as direct as syncing the position, rather quite tedious but it'll save you bandwidth.

    If you don't mind about the bandwidth at all you can still go with syncing positions, but you have to live with the interpolation issue that you show, unless Ashley provide the "no interpolation" option for sync object.

    I think the other syncing way you can try is using instance variable. They have no-interpolation mode, so basically record you x and y in the host and have an event in common group to position to instance variable every tick, or every1/30 second depends on what you prefer but the drawback is, the object movement might look choppy, jerky or stuttery.

  • I have Firefox 11.0

    That is super old! I think webrtc is not yet ready when FF 11.0 is released though, that is how old it is.

    mostly use IE ... like 90% of Earth population

    Divide by 10.

    MAC Safari not work with Multiplayer object too?

    I think you did not notice the time has lapsed. You should update your browsers though.

  • Function calling a function is kind of a nested loop, right? . Now i have to rework them argh.

    That sounds like recursive functions. You have to be careful not to create infinite loop of function call, you need a way to exit the loop, it can lead to browser freeze and crash. I did an infinity loop before and I would say it's a bad practice at least for me.

  • Can you clarify one thing for me please.

    Triggered functions take up cpu too as well ,right?

    For example. Enemy near player > call function("enemy slow")

    and on function("enemy slow") > enemy speed half and enemy fire rate half and etc etc .....

    Imagine that the function calls a lot of actions ,like 10 or so. This would make cpu usage high.

    My problem was that the cpu usage for functions in groups were barely showing 0.2%. That's why i put the group(GROUP and GROUP2) withing the triggered functions ,and then i got such high values and also the weird total group cpu usage.

    I'm not sure about this, but I do have a single function with 97 action in 54 lines, no performance impact at all, so amount of action doesn't affect anything significant. This will have to do with what condition/action you're doing, what I know is a heavily nested loop can give a bit of hiccup if there's too much looping on object creation/destroy, there are other extreme cases as well.

    Wow this is great! This means I need to speed up my game development!! Never thought this will be available earlier than expected, awesome!!

  • I am guessing you have some sort of variable that is set to subtract 1 on a certain action. You may need to not allow it to go past 0.

    I don't think this is related at all.

    Pandy this might be a bug on the debug engine, try to reproduce it in a minimal capx and post a report. Or you can opt showing some screenshot of the group, or just attaching the capx will do as well so that others with idea can point out why is it like that.

  • IE never supported webrtc AFAIK, firefox can be inconsistent sometimes but there's no problem so far from May until recent version.

    Have you tried out opera?

  • And how in this case other players will see backpack on connect(if backpack not sync)?

    If the host is the one who created the backpack, the backpack will also created on all peer, but set the position manually and pin them. This is how you sync backpack position by piggyriding the position value of the character.

    Ashley also mentioned this before.

  • Other players must see this backpack, without sync its bad. Make it via broadcast message with position is bad too, because on start all loot generates randomly, and it will destroy bandwith by sending for each player postions of created objects.

    That is why you need to pin the backpack to your referenced position which is the character. Broadcast message is used like function/trigger which you have to send it only one time, unpin the backpack and set the position according the message.

  • Is this a multiplayer problem? Your title say so, if it is, it is impossible to tell what went wrong. I can only speculate you did not sync the dragdrop state or you did not setup the setbit/getbit for drag drop.

  • Use spritefont, and reserve a character/symbol for the smilies, however you need to decode the text upon entered/received. I'm not sure if there's a better way to do it.

  • Did you sync the backpack? If yes, you shouldn't do that, you're wasting bandwidth. Use send message to pin/unpin the backpack, this will guarantee pin point accuracy in placing the backpack. All dependent object should be dependent to "main referenced position", not independently synced position.

  • What about enemies that are spawned randomly? Will they position on the 3D array somehow too?

    You have to assign the array's z-index to the instance variable of the spawned enemies. As I told you, doing this by array is very advanced, use container if you are unsure how to tackle the array.

  • Thanks. That's what I was trying to do with the Index variable. That variable is different for each object type and I was attempting to pick the object to spawn by using that variable. Can you help explain why my condition to pick the object isn't working? I have checked the variable in my test runs and the ItemIndex variable is filled correctly, but it isn't picking the object with the corresponding Index value.

    Ah my bad. I forgot that you can't pick an object that is not created yet. I think you have no choice other than using an "if" for each family member.

    I think it could be a good suggestion to Ashley to introduce FID (family ID) into C2. This will enable object creation control in the family.

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  • Well, an action RPG has at least from 20 to 100 enemies. Having an array for each of them is even worse than making a clutter out of instance variables. And I haven't heard anything about Instance Arrays. Is there such a thing?

    Yes you can do this with a container.

    The other method is, if you currently use 2D array, you can make use of 3D array, it should do the same thing, however this will be quite advanced in a way when you manipulate the array.