dsminor's Forum Posts

  • Oh an array is just a list, grid or cube of values nothing special about it.

    For a inventory an 2D array is just a grid with an x and an y coordinate, like a sheet of quad paper.

    And every quad would be an inventory slot to store something in.

    Oh ok so i just completed the game

    Still i dont get any damage will you get hit if the answer is wrong or you are to slow?

    Oh with logic i just mean a system to do it, english isent my native language, maybe i have a different understanding of the term.

    In philosophy class we used the term "logic" as a system of arguments which follow a certain order to archiv something, i guess i stuck with this definition.

    However i just meant you need to figure out a system for that.

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  • You will totaly need arrays for that!

    Also the inventory you want to have is not the easiest with the different pages and all that stuff.

    You could use a 3D Array or multiply 2D Arrays for that.

    (or maybe put all pages in one 2D array but thats kinda chaotic)

    Also a logic for sorting items and equiping.

    However i think there are some pretty good inventory templates in the scirra shop.

    If you cant make your own just use on of those.

    If you like to try by yourself start with "binding" every slot in your inventory to an arrayslot.

    So you will be able to load the content of the slot depending on the array.

    So the itemslot ist just a graphical representation of the arrayslot.

    I tried the game. I like it but i got a bug where i gave the right answer and he just dident attack.

    Also is it possible to lose in this game? Is there a time limit?

  • If you want to have more than one pig you need to be able to tell the system which pig is actualy flying and which is at the catapult.

    You will need to reset the "isaiming" to 1 after the shoot but without affecting the first pig.

    Than you can just spawn a new pig at the catapultsblock position.

  • i used the windows snipping tool to make a screenshot.

    Then you need to upload the image somewhere and put the link in the forum.

  • Sure but if your game is different to the template i need to consider this.

  • Hmm thats tricky because the camera is set to follow the pig.

    SO you cant see the catapult after shooting the pig.

    But if you focus the camera on the catapult you cant see the pig flying anymore.

  • immediatly after the first pig so the first pig is still flying?

  • This will restart the game when the pig isent moving anymore.

    OR do you want just another pig to fire but the level shouldent be reset?

  • Looks fine.

    With the counter variable you could even bind more than 1 enemy to a spawner.

    There are some small things that shouldent be necessary like storing the spawnersUID in itself or the double loop but who cares if it works.

  • Ok it just needs some tweaking.

    In the first event you dont pick a specific spawner so construct picks all of them.

    So it will set ALL spawners to "enemyingame" true.

    In the destroyed event you just set 1 spawner to "enemyingame" =false.

    Thats why just one works.

    You need to tell the event on which spawner the enemy has spawned.

    The second problem is a bit more tricky.

    You need to tell the spawner that it isent on screen to "reload" it.

    At least thats what i understand you would like to have.

    So i guess you will need another variable calles "readytospawn" or something like that.

    If the spawner spawns "readytospawn" set to false.

    If the spawner is NOT on screen set "readytospawn" to true.

    if "readytospawn" =true and "enemyingame" = false and spawner on screen then spawn new enemy.

  • You will need to "bind" the enemy to the spawner.

    Spawner gets a booleon variable called "enemy_in_game"

    The enemy gets a variable called "spawnerUID"

    On create the enemy sets "spawnerUID" to the spawners UID and the spawner sets "enemy in game" to true

    On enemy destroy pick the spawner with the "spawnersUID" and set "enemy in game" to false.

    if "enemy in game" is false and the spawner comes onto screen--->spawn enemy

  • Hi, one variable for the language is enought the value would be german, english or italien.

    And yes i think you would need an array with alle the text for each language and always load the

    one you need, at least thats how i would do it.

    But there will be some problems for example the same sentence in german is offen longer than in english.

    So your textobject needs to be bigger too, or your font size smaller.


    Shoot all enemys

    Erschieße alle Feinde

    you need a score of at least 500

    du benötigst mindestens 500 Punkte

    use left mouse to fire

    benutze die linke Maustaste um zu feuern

  • Thats a whole system you need to make here.

    Its totaly possible and not to hard too do, but it will need some work.

    You should start with making the points.

    You will need to be able to identify them so make an instance variable and give everyone a specific number oder string.

    After that make the player and give him a variable to store his actual position, so you can generate options, sounds or messages depending on the players position.

    After that you need a system to give the player moving options depending on his actual position.

    After that you need to actualy move the player to a new position.

    Thats the core if that works fine you can start adding content like sounds or messages.

    The messages should be randomly generated depending on situations and position?

    So thats a whole new chapter then.

  • The variable is just the number of the actual lane.

    1 for left lane

    2 for middle lane

    3 for right lane

    You dont need the exact coordinates unless the car is able to change its position inside its lane.

    If the car is fixed on its lane it should allways be the same distance to the next lane.

    I think what carbincopy wants is to actualy move the car to the next lane instead just "teleporting" it.

  • I would make a variable called lane.

    left lane =1

    middle lane= 2

    right lane = 3

    on D press

    if lane not = 3

    set position car.x+50


    on A press

    if lane not =1

    set postion car.x-50
