DrLuurve's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • Double click on the main screen and select sprite.

    You can then click into the Sprite and edit/add/remove animation frames.

    Please do check out the tutorials that come with construct as they cover these kinds of things in much greater detail.

  • 1) Replace "Player" sprite with "Drone" sprite:

    Give both your character and drone sprites the PIN behaviour

    In your coding, whatever trigger causes the switch to occur, add "Unpin" player sprite and "Pin" Drone sprite to the player box sprite. Do the reverse for when you want to switch back

    2) For deactivating the player controls and activating drone controls:

    In event sheet, put all player controls in a group and all drone controls in a separate group.

    On the character switch trigger add "Disable Player group controls" and "Enable Drone group controls" (You'll need to disable drone controls on layout start)

    Do the reverse for when you are switching back.

    You'll probably need to control these with instance or global variables, something like player control = 1 (for player) and 0 (for drone) and add these conditions to your coding accordingly.

    If you want to keep both sprites on screen, ignore step 1.

  • Can you post the capx so I can take a better look at the issue?

  • This is a coding issue, so open up your event sheet.

    Keyboard button right is pressed

    And player is not falling - simulate player moving right

    Then do the same for left movement.

    You'll need to do similar changes for any other kind of action your player can do to prevent this problem from occurring again.

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  • Double check the image point for the character is in the correct place on all frames of your animations.

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  • I am not at my desk right now, but I will post up an example very soon that will cover everything you need.

  • 1) Create a separate hit box sprite for the bat - literally just a square. This will be used to detect collision with an enemy

    On the attack animation frames, decide where you want the collision to actually take place and create an additional image point (this is where we will spawn the hitbox)

    In your event sheet:

    Player, Attack animation is playing.

    Player, Attack animation frame = <whichever frame you want the hit box to appear> --- Create hit box at image point (xyz)

    Player, Attack animation on ended - destroy hit box

    Hit box on collision with enemy - destroy enemy (or subtract a value from enemy hp, if you want the enemy to take more than 1 hit to kill)

  • Give your beehive an instance variable and compare this instance in your event sheet when spawning the bees:


    Call the instance variable Bee count - set it to 10 (or however many you want)

    Then in your events

    Beehive - has los with player

    (Compare instance variable)

    Bee count greater than 0 ---- Beehive spawn bee

    Bee - on created --- subtract 1 from Bee count

  • Trigger event - (object) set position to x and y.

    That should do the trick.

  • A project I have been working on:

  • Your sprite is trying to play multiple things at once so some animations will just get stuck on the first frame.

    You have to add another condition for these action to check that other actions are not true/playing.


    Key "A" is pressed - play (animation 2)

    Player is not playing animation 1

  • 12 posts