DrewMelton's Forum Posts

  • Sweet, that's definitely a lot easier than the way I was doing it. Thanks! :)

  • Okay, so the game has multiple people on screen at once, and I need them to be in front or behind depending on where they are. Naturally, the higher it is on screen, the further back it would be. Lower objects would be towards the front.

    It's an isometric perspective sort of like Baldur's Gate or whatnot.

    Here is some code I wrote that works when 2 people overlap, but gets confused if 3 people overlap at once. So, it works half of the time.

    Basically, I don't want someone higher on screen to end up in front or someone lower on screen to end up behind someone. It breaks the perspective rules.

    Surely, there is a better way to do this.

  • I'm running into similar problems with my game. Even though my game is a bit different, the goal is the same, to have characters not just walk through each other when pathfinding.

    The problem is that I can get one person to go around the other, but it always screws over the other person.

    I've tried making them solid, which will cause someone to walk around them, but then they can't move at all.

    I tried custom obstacles being added, but I wasn't able to make any progress with that either. Maybe I should look into it more.

    I tried fooling with the path cost, but it didn't seem to do anything. Maybe I was doing it wrong though. I'm fairly new to pathfinding behaviors.

    The problem may be centered around the fact that all is well until the "path obstacle" moves. Regenerating the obstacle map is supposed to be resource intensive, and I don't know if it can be done with things are moving around.

    There are maybe a couple more tricks or workarounds I can play with. I'll try some more tonight.

  • I took a break and came back to it. I think I figured it out.

    I set up my end turn button so I could test it without moving the hero. I noticed that it tended to work better when I didn't move.

    So, I suspected the problem was that the character was still moving when the turn was set to the enemy's turn.

    So, I set up another condition that the hero's pathfinding speed had to be zero before the turn would switch over. This was actually in another part of the code, not in the picture above.

    It seems to work now. I'll keep testing it though since I still have a few things to work out with the overall code, but at least this is working as it should now.

    So, nevermind I guess. <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Okay, so I'm having trouble getting the enemy to move to the target on his own.

    For testing purposes, I originally had it set up so he would move to position when I right clicked on the screen. It worked fine.

    Then, I tried to set it up so he would do it on his own. I am getting odd results.

    This is a turn based game. I want the enemy to move when his turn is active, which he does. It's just that he goes to weird places or stops halfway.

    Here is a screenshot of the problem code.

    Obviously, I would disable the code for right clicking so it doesn't interfere with my new code of him moving automatically. I just left everything un-disabled so you could read it better.

    Like I said, it works flawlessly when I right click, but always gives mixed results when automated. He just doesn't go to the right place or stops half way. I really don't know why and hope that someone with some programming knowledge may know.

    Also, I had to set up the auto code to a trigger once event or it wouldn't do anything.

    So, does anyone know how to fix it so it works automatically when it's the enemy's turn?

  • I like to use comments in other ways too. I use them to add notes and reminders, to mark temporary experiments that I might want to delete later, to remind me what variables are such as 1=yes or whatever. I might use them as a partial "to do" list so if I stop a project at night, I can come back to it and see what I was doing. I basically use them to help me keep a mental note of what each piece of code does so I can quickly scan things.

    The main goal with any project with lots of events is to make it as easy as possible to fix bugs or find what I need. It's hard enough fixing a bug in the first place. If it's buried somewhere, it can be even harder to fix.

  • Cool, thanks!

  • I'd like to have a company name or at least "something" that looks less boring than using my own name on games, but I don't know the best way to go about it. I don't hear people talk about it much.

  • I don't want to hijack this thread tough. Sorry DrewMelton

    Don't worry, it was just a quick discussion thread anyway. Ask away. :)

    Anyway, after some more experimenting, I'm probably going to stick with scale outer. At least for this game. It has slightly higher res pixel art, so I don't want to go with a lower res than around 720p. I may do some more experimenting though.

  • Does anyone think it's worth the trade off of better looking visuals over a smaller image using letterbox integer scale vs say scale outer? Won't most people be bothered that it won't go full screen? It's closer to half the screen actually.

    Of course, the node webkit doesn't go full screen anyway. It still shows the taskbar at the bottom and whatnot. But I guess Minecraft does the same, so oh well.

  • I hope the weather returns to normal soon. We very very rarely get days where it's -6F here in West Virginia. I don't think the houses here are made for this sort of thing. We've already had a few pipes bust and 2 inches of water in the bathroom. I had someone help me fix those, but the water is still acting screwy. Not to mention that it's a bit cold in some rooms. The temperature should be back up tomorrow a bit. 20 or 30F might actually feel warm compared to this even though it's technically still freezing...

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  • This thread had some links in it about Steam.


    I really hope Steam gets fully supported at some point. It seems like a perfect fit for the type of games made with C2. I mean, if you're going to make a game with PC in mind, you might as well get it on Steam, especially with the growing popularity of Steam and its upcoming consoles.

  • I must have missed the updates to this thread. But yeah, things could have gone smoother. I myself spent half the time fighting the music recording software rather than actually writing and recording music, but I think it worked well enough. I only got the music software (Presonus Studio One 2 Pro) a couple weeks before the comp, so I was still learning it. And then, of course, I found more things I needed to learn or solve when I started recording as well.

    It is unfortunate that we ran into problems along that way that slowed us down. I would have liked to see what we could do without "wasting" time, but it turned out alright.

    I was wary of SVN before we started. It just seemed so risky. I don't like the fact that work can be lost. I would rather everybody had worked on a separate file or something so at least we could keep our progress, but I don't know how that would have worked.

    With a large team, it is a bit tricky to get everybody to agree on something, especially when we must do our brainstorming at the last minute. There were times like I felt we weren't all on the same page or aware of what someone else was wanting. I never did figure out what happened to the other music guy. Of course, I was going to do everything we needed anyway. I think the music I did turned out fine, though I would have like to spend more time working on making the music better than troubleshooting sound issues.

    I think the end result turned out fine. It would have been better had we just kept it simple. I was assuming we would just make a hard-to-find exit with time running out for the torch. Then, there was talk of ghosts and all this other stuff, which is fine. I just think we didn't really have time to flesh it all out.

    Overall, I had fun, and I'm glad that people like the game even with a few bugs here and there.

  • I think I know why he can't see the event sheet. When I first opened it, it was scrolled all the way down so far that it looked like nothing was showing up. I thought it was blank too until I realized I could scroll up.

    I haven't patched Firefox yet, so it probably has sound issues anyway, but even opening it in Chrome, the music didn't work. I was able to play the music fine double clicking on the songs in the project folder though. I'm not sure why they are not playing right. Someone who has used C2 longer than I will have to figure it out.

  • It's also a good idea to study classic games to see how they did it. With a bit of study, you can see how big they made the actual sprites, and how they did the animations.

    Try this site for some ideas from classic games: www.spriters-resource.com/

    Also, I draw mine with a Wacom tablet in Photoshop.