dreikelvin's Forum Posts

  • I just worked on an Avatar: The Last Airbender parody cartoon by Cas van de Pol:


    My task was it to write an alternative score that sounded just like the music of the popular anime. All sound effects are sourced or in part recorded by me. Voices by Junaid Chundrigar, Cas, myself.

  • It's pretty fun! Good job! Only the controls are a little confusing at first. I wanted to use the arrow keys and noticed that they are actually the action keys. A better explanation for which keys to use would be handy

  • Soundtrack for an IOS arcade shooter:

    https://soundcloud.com/dreikelvin/sets/ ... soundtrack

  • Love the overall look of the game. This is really badass! Are you emulating a CRT screen?

  • Gorgeous work! Please post more?

  • A little fun tune with 8Bit elements I made a while ago:


  • looking slick! I like the effort you put into the animated sprites.

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  • > doesn't work here. Chrome on El Capitan


    can you explain which where doesn't work?

    I don't understand about El Capitan... maybe you should try it on pc.. I never try it on mobile yet...

    When typing in the username and hitting "Join" - all I get is this text:

    While this window is open, you can open another browser or open with incognito window to make a new char to play[/code:3355xhdo]
    I tried firefox as well and it just displays a different text:
    [code:3355xhdo]Use arrow right (>), left (<), up (^), or down (v) to move the player[/code:3355xhdo]
    then I tried Safari and all I get is a blank white box.
    then I fired up my virtualbox and tried to launch your game within Firefox on Ubuntu - nothing either.
    Chrome, Safari and Firefox are all browsers that support HTML5 and canvas elements and should be able to run any game made with Construct. So I am not sure what's happening here  - I don't have Windows, so I guess I can't help you here!
    I think I get it now  - I opened up one tab and then another in incognito mode, which showed an alien creature that I could move with my arrow keys. seems to work pretty well - at least in chrome and firefox! not sure about safari though...
  • Awesome! It's like Atari Combat and Oxyd Magnum had a child together I loved those games!

  • Here's a game trailer I helped to finalize with Mixing/Mastering and Foley effects:

  • Nice start! First of all, don't stop making pixel art! Stephen King once said:

    “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There's no way around these two things that I'm aware of, no shortcut.”

    Here some suggestions on how to improve:

    1. Proportions - Try to figure out the right ratio between legs, body, arms and head

    2. Work with Color palettes - in most cases, blue isn't simply blue - it can be a mixture of a lot of more colors. Also, I noticed your palette in this picture is quite dark - which might cause a problem in some cases

    3. Details - I know it's hard to add necessary detail in pixel art, but it is possible to find the right balance

    4. Copy, Rip Off, Steal where you can. Nothing is sacred! (As long as you learn in the process and respect other people's art)

    5. Nobody is special - don't expect too much!

    Hope that helps! Feel free to send more pixel art!

  • doesn't work here. Chrome on El Capitan

  • Cheers dreikelvin, it is early days, all the graphics are just placeholder for now just to get the feel of the game as I work on the engine. Yes definitely the enemies will eventually be animated and attack.

    I like your idea of "reaching out" to hit rather than shooting. Maybe something could come out of their mouth, like another mouth...Alien style...... !

    The music track is not mine. (It is Carpenter Brut, I think he is too famous to want his music in my game). But it is part of the vibe I am looking for. (Not necessarily dark, but high energy)

    I am trying to resist doing any graphics and music until I have the game machine running properly. Only then then I will get to the fun stuff!

    I checked out your soudcloud. You are Pro. Once my engine is ready I will need sound effects and music and you will be on my list if you don't mind.

    Thanks! Sure, hit me up if you need some sound! I am really curious about how your game will look when it's finalized. I mean, it looks already quite slick to me. But I'm just an amateur when it comes to game mechanics and gameplay analysis

  • I don't know about you guys but I am getting a strong Diablo/Dungeon Keeper vibe from this. It looks very high-quality thanks to the highresolution sprites.

    Good luck further with the development and let us know when it's out!

  • Pretty badass gameplay (and soundtrack) !

    The bigger enemies could maybe do a little more than just follow the players movements. Right now they look pretty static and inactive (apart from all the enemy fire). Maybe one of them could reach out and try to hit the player? Just an idea

    Other than that: keep up the good work!