DragonWulf Studios's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • I bought the plugin, how do I download it? I never received a download link

  • Would this be possible using construct 2? I know that construct 2 can work with Node.JS but what would be the capabilities/limitations with developing a discord server bot using Construct 2? Thanks in advance for all your answers

  • Megabeard I second taistelusopulis reply: "Some composers like myself like to have some material to dig into." Although, some composers such as I COULD write music with nothing more than an idea of what you want, having visuals such as concept art or actual game play really helps. It really does depend on the preference of each composer. Everyone is different. For price, it's not hard to find composers who would write music for a free game, you just have to look in the right places. Many musicians make a living off of writing music so an incentive of sorts would help convince some one to write music for your game if you were looking for a professional composer.

  • thanks guys for the input, I know what I gotta do now.

  • I thought it'd be cool to make a retro computer terminal with green text and simulates an old computer screen similar to the Windows -CMD- or ms-DOS screen, how would I go about doing this?

  • R0J0hound I am currently trying to get the object(s) to follow the player until they reach the player or is destroyed from another set of events I've yet to program in. For some reason I am unable to perfect the following AI movement, the object sometimes moves towards the player and some times it doesn't, going off to some random direction, would you or some one else be able to help me? \/


    Link to my capx. file /\ Note: I'm using the "Mode7_Tiled" fx since it has a cleaner long distance rendering

  • yeah "thissand" is basicly what i'm trying to accomplish, but your demo has given me a few ideas where to start, thank you

  • I want to try and simulate sand and dirt physics similar to those of the "falling sand game" but also being able to place solid objects on top of them and being able to "dig" out the sand or dirt. How could I do something like this?

    Also, would this be possible on a large like I made a large world this way?

  • http://postimg.org/image/g31xs2n23/

    Here's an image of how i'd do it without any external plugins or addons

  • Try Construct 3

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  • An update - this is a side scrolling type game, not topdown

  • I have an idea to make a game with elements from Starbound, Captain forever, and simple rockets

    (google them)

    What I know how to do and would like to do:

    -weapons, auto turrets, npc's yada yada

    -all gas planets and stars are preset sizes and models to save time and effort.

    -360* platform movement on a planetary type surface with gravity, atmosphere, other planets, sun ect.

    -Character movement, random NPC spawning mining resources from the world using "factories" that are placed.

    or in space using a mining part on your ship if you put one there.

    -factories placed on solid body of planet generate resources that can be collected

    -factories are "glued" to planet surface and cannot be moved once placed, only taken out.


    -Writing music, sfx, menus, effects, tiles, UI, health, resources(for building stuff) graphics ect.

    -all the parts from the editor are solid, affected by gravity, breakable from weapon shots

    -planets in the solar system would follow a specified path in a circle around the "star" being simulating orbits but aren't actually using gravity, rather following a path.

    -planet surfaces would be in a similar fashion to those of "simple rockets" game. (google it) not being blocky but rather being flat surfaces

    -Switch from EVA to spaceship

    -temperature, oxygen, "supplies" (food/water) limited and slowly run out when not in contact with an "inifinite source" such as a planets atmosphere for oxygen, body of water for H20 or killing certain npc's for food.

    -home planet type system where you can "research new parts" as you complete acheivements. share your built vehicles.

    -being too close to a star or high speed in an atmosphere causes "temperature" to increase.

    -parts whose limits are exceeded (temperature limit, damage limit) are destroyed

    -when vehicle is spawned, a given button would activate certain parts such as thrusters or RCS regardless of

    where they may be on the ship

    -ship stats are a total of the stats of all connected parts.

    -individual parts are subject to limits and break when those limits are exceeded.

    -when building the ship, resources are used every time you build a part for the ship,

    -construction takes place in a separate layout and can be saved/loaded from files

    What I don't know how to do yet:

    -light coming from the sun, or if on the dark side of a planet, from a flashlight of sorts

    -Spawning the creation in the game world from a drop down menu of sorts.

    -camera rotates depending on how character is rotated (ie planet is round so the camera rotates as you go around the whole planet so you have the feel that your right side up regardless of actual position on the planet or in space.

    -parts are breakable from "hard" collisions but soft bumps don't break them

    -in MP, players can be in each others ships or not depending on server rules.

    -dedicated server hosting (players can do this not me) and server commands such as kick, and booleans for rules.

    -parts are "glued" together when object spawned and only break apart if connecting pieces are destroyed.

    -only parts connected to your ship can be controlled

    -inertia and parts broken off would set the ship "off balanced"

    -some objects could float in a body of water but others cannot (buoyancy)

    -some objects are heavier than others

    -each solar system is generated procedurally before entering, exiting solar system generates another system that you then enter. Generated being the type of planets (dessert, rock, living, magma, ice, ect.)

    -solid planets are generated (IE. planets start as perfectly round, but then generate craters, bodies of water, simple properties such as gravity amount, size of planet, atmosphere(y/n) surface temperature, and atmospheric drag?)

    -Game saving and loading

    -Node based ship construction.

    -player chooses where they get in ship (IE a turret, passenger station, pilot seat. They may switch "places" any time.

    as long as another player is not already there

    my questions:

    • if you read all my ideas, what would be possible, and if you know or have an idea, how would I go about doing the possible for what I don't know? I know atleast a good amount is possible so don't say (drop the idea it's not gonna work) because even if I cant do a good portion of what I want, i'll still make the game
    • who would like to help with constructing the game? (you will be given credit for development)
    • yes i know this would take a while to develop, my question. Can HTML5 handle this? or would I have to cut out features? which ones?
    • How would I go about planet generation, and is it even possible?
    • What's the best way of making *Water*? is there a liquid type object I can put in C2 via addon? or would it have to be just a bunch of tiles and events that make it like water?
    • Any other ideas for the game?
  • 11 posts