Drago_18's Forum Posts

  • I'm experiencing the same issue with your apk idk what's wrong, but when you first gave me your project I did unchecked the "clear background" which is necessary if the game background is already covered by some image also good for performance.

    but now I checked that option to see if there is any difference and I did notice a white screen but the game still loaded without any issue and it didn't get stuck on white screen like your apk does.

    if you have done any changes to your project file then pls reupload it I'll compare both mine and your's to see if there is any difference which is causing this issue.

  • I'm exporting it by signing the apk just as you did and I also have checked the "hide status bar" option which will hide the notification bar while playing the game.

  • i even signed and exported the apk and I have no issues while running it and even when I click on "more games" it is showing option to visit the link via installed browsers on the device.

    I'm posting link for the apk I exported and the project file.


  • how are you exporting the apk file?? as cordova project or android debug apk?

    for me by exporting via debug apk the game loads within 5seconds and I don't have any error.

    my device: samsung galaxy j7

  • you are getting "Connection to the Server error every time" because the URL is not defined in the Browser object's GoTo action.

    it only has "http://" it should be a complete address i.e. "http://www.google.com"

  • Try Construct 3

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  • we can help if you upload your project file :D

    upload it to drive and copy paste the share link here.

  • as I said I recreated the whole game in C3 runtime again, so today I switched to see what the image memory is and saw 85-90MB usage only :O whereas in C3 runtime I'm getting 290MB+ usage. even tho it is estimated memory usage, but still it is making the game unplayable as it crashes when using remote preview or testing an apk.

    Filed an Issue:


  • I'm developing a mobile game and I have all the assets created keeping in mind that the resolution does affect the memory usage. so no issue with the resolution of the assets..

    in C2 runtime my total image memory usage is ~200MB (in main game area) , after I switched to C3 runtime it is going as high as 290+MB and hence I'm unable to run the game on my phone.

    so I recreated the whole game from scratch in C3 runtime keeping everything in same place and having same assets and event sheets, when I ran the game the memory usage was few MB's higher than C2 runtime.

    but, after few launches of Construct 3 without having any changes in the project the memory again increased automatically to 290+MB :(

    I want to use C3 runtime for performance improvement that it has over C2 runtime.

    I had sent email to support regarding this issue as this is a project I'm looking forward to publish on app stores and earn some revenue, but they said me to post a bug report on github.

    people does expect direct support if they are working on a project and stuck with some issue but support team refused to give any of that :( .

    I would have posted a bug report if it wasn't a project I'm working on and didn't need immediate support as it is stopping me from further developing the game, testing if it is working properly on phones or not , also as days pass the enthusiasm is getting very low to continue working on it without knowing how to fix this damn memory usage issue. posting directly on github means people have access to my project which I don't want :) .

    the game is in it's final development phase as most of the stuff is done just have to add some sprites, events to make it fun for longer play sessions, also I do have few tweaks to optimize my game for mobile, but I can't as when I run the game on mobile it simply just crashes.

    so please help Ashley in fixing this issue. I'll provide you the project at support email with C2 runtime selected by default, just check the memory usage in that then switch to C3 runtime and see the difference.

  • thanks this will help :D.

    LOL, why did you tag me in a new post? :)

    because you know solutions to a lot of stuff ^_^ .

    is there any other way to get in touch with you faster?

  • dop2000

    Hi, I have top down enemies with bullet behavior randomly spawning outside the layout and different enemies have different bullet speed, enemies are spawned at random x,y location every random(0.5-2) seconds on top of layout.

    so does anybody knows how we can avoid enemies from overlapping by detecting if the last created enemy is within a certain area then the object being created will be positioned according to that or moved aside horizontally, also how can we adjust the speed of the enemy if there is an enemy in front within a certain distance on the fly or any other way to do it.

  • you could try to clamp the wallet value.

    in the actions set the following

    clamp(wallet, minimumvalue, maximumvalue)

    i.e. clamp(wallet,0,99999999)

    what this will do is stop the wallet from getting smaller than the min val defined and getting larger than max value defined, hope this helps you.

  • this issue seems to happen on some devices as my "samsung galaxy j7" has similar issue, but on my friend's "redmi note 4" phone it scales properly, so to fix this I just press the multitasking window button then get back to the game which fixes the scaling issue. I have my scaling set to "scale inner", layout and viewport size set to "1080 x 1920".

  • lucid where's the download link?? I guess you forgot to add it.

  • add some dark borders so that it is easier to focus on things.

  • luckyrawatlucky create invisible draggable sprite and everytick set Image position to that sprite.