draconar's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • If I could create an array of sprite Objects (not sprite objects carrying an array), I think I could check the state of all of them the way I wanna do...

    any thoughts?

  • what about using the Array and/or HashTable plugins?

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  • the problem I'm facing using the events is that I can't get the other body properties properly when the collision involves objects of the same type. I can't tell which one is body A or body B in the collision, therefore I wanted to make the plugin. This happens at least in my construct's version (0.9.x).

    So I've tried lots of things using the events, but failed. Like trying to use families to distinguish every body in the collision and so on. If i could get the position of all objects of the same type that are on stage, that would be pretty easy.

  • Hi!

    about the formation, I want to create huge terrain and ice blocks.

    For example, whenever the player destroys the terrain/ice cube, the one's falling will snap to the others in rest and their images will change in result, as to always look like a huge terrain/iceberg block. These blocks can be moved, but only as a 'single' entity.


  • Hi all!,

    I'm still somewhat stuck in my journey on to make a construct plugin.

    They plugin I want to make will be used to group any bodies (rigorously of the same type) that are interacting and make a single group out of them, so they could move together and so on...

    After researching the currently plugins available, I think ObjectPairer comes closer on the kind of functionality I want to produce. There is also the Array plugin, which, I (Hope) I could learn how to get the properties of the other bodies using the SDK. But none of them has their source code available in the construct-source zip file.

    Stripping my problem of all the details, I need a way to, using the SDK, get all the bodies of the same type that are interacting and make an array out of them, so I could update all their positions color, etc at the same time.

    Could you guys please direct me? Or help me reach dave or the author of the Array plugin?

    Thanks you very much and sorry for the bother.


  • Hi, Dave.

    I'm trying to create a plugin to expand the functionality of the Pairer. I need to "pair" a group of n objects, that then will behave as a "single" body. I would like very much to check your code, so I could cut the time to learn the SDK and get direct to the heart of my problem.

    Thanks in advance,


  • Hi!,

    I got through the tutorial found at

    http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/c ... #Preparing

    and I managed to compile and run it ok. The problem is, it does not appear anywhere on construct! where is it.

    Another question: in the Edittime.cpp there is a comp flag called #ifndef RUN_ONLY, which does not appear on the original tutorial. Should I let it in? It makes my code grey on VSC++ 2008... is that part of the code actually run?

  • wonderful! I will give it a try and will let you guys know.


  • Hi,

    I'm quite experienced in C++, but quite a noob in construct. Last sunday I was trying to implement a grouping routine for objects of the same type. By grouping I mean:

    • whenever a object of the same type collides, they should snap onto one another and behave as if they were one single body. As if I was adding Lego blocks together.

    I read about all sort of hacks to get it working using families and other tricks, but they are just too cumbersome. Therefore, I would like to implement a behavioral plugin that implements this. I read this:

    http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/c ... e_a_plugin

    But I'm still baffled on how to access/modify object's properties in the way I just told you.

    Any tips/reading material would be appreciated.



  • 9 posts