dpmontes's Forum Posts

  • I'm trying to emulate the side scrolling Mario games as best I can and the difficulty that I'm encountering is how to mimic the jump control. In the real Mario games, the long you hold down the button, the higher he jumps. I see you didn't bother to incorporate that into your game. I wonder if there are examples of someone doing that.

  • Post a .capx

  • Sounds like an "invert"? On the event sheet, right click on the event and you have the option to make it "inverted".

  • Sure thing. Someone else answered a question I had so I felt it was my mission to return the favor to someone else. Besides, I learned some stuff to by making it so it's always good to try a different problem that I wouldn't have considered tackling otherwise. If you have any questions about it, feel free to contact me.

  • With a price tag of $3,675.00, it's a considerable investment but if you're serious, than more power to you.

  • I googled "tank sprites" under the Images for Google and it comes up with quite a bit of seperated tank bodies and turrets. Since you are just doing top down, it seems like a realatively simple 2d top down sprite would do? Unless you really want that smooth rotating effect in which case you would either need a few more in between animation frames to make it look smooth or you would still need to go the more elaborate route of making a three dimensional model. Just making some top down 2d sprites would be much easier so probably best to go that route at first. If there is a tank model that you see that has the body partially covered up by the turret, you could still just cut off the turret and recreate the missing body of the tank based on the rest of the tank that you can still see.

  • Okay so since you know how to use Photoshop CS5, it sounds like your question is really "How do you acquire the skill set to be able to create cool looking sprites?" The best answer I could give is to practice and take art classes and graphical design classes. If you just want to make 2d sprites, than you just do it and that's all there is to it. Somebody had to start from scratch. If you're fine with your art looking similar to someone elses, than do your best to emulate without plagerizing. You could create a three dimensional model of the object if you want to have realistic lighting effects and make it look more 3D. I would use Blender.

  • You're asking how they did it? Like are you really asking which program they used to make it and what skill sets are required to created graphics like that? Or are you just exclaiming HOW DID THEY DO THAT as in it's really awesome looking and you're impressed with it? If you proclaim that you "suck at graphics designing" and you would still like to give it a shot, I would suggest you just use some basic editing program like MS paint or Paint.NET and you just google around for images that are similar to what you want and you can try to emulate those images so at least you aren't starting from scratch.

    But from the number of rep points you have, you don't seem to be a new kid to the world of game design so I'm scratching my head a bit at what you're really asking here?

  • The main challenge that I am seeing is how you would allow the user to create a sprite shape and then the computer will dynamically know the boundary of that shape. I know you can create any shape you want and change the bounding box to fit that shape. But that customization of the bounding box is done by the designer of the game. I'm not sure if it's possible to give the user the ability to do that on the fly.

    But to answer your initial question of how to draw lines with physics behavior, it sounds like you are asking two different questions. If the question was just how do you add physic characteristics to a line, than that's easy as you would just draw a sprite that looks like a line and give it the behavior or physics. But you're probably asking more about the drawing part meaning how does a user dynamically create a sprite with a fitted bounding box and that's of course the hard part.

    So to answer your question, I don't know. But I'd be interested if it can be done.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Here's an example program I just wrote.


  • Thanks so much! I knew it was something real simple like that!

  • I'm not understanding what your goal is. The following is my best guess of what you are wanting but some of it I've just made up because you haven't included much detail.

    You have two balls that are on the screen. Ball A and Ball B. Both balls are in a fixed location on screen. Ball A is rotating and Ball B is stationary. When Ball A spawns on the screen at some random location, Ball B must be at least 100 pixels radius away from Ball A.

    If this did not describe what you want, then describe in detail what you want just like I did.

  • My goal is to upload a .csv file into the local file folder of my game. I want to then access the .csv file and store the values into strings which I will then manipulate with tokenat(ect).

    I've tried searching the forums and came across this plugin


    and he says that I can use AJAX to get .csv string from external file.

    So I've tried using the AJAX object but haven't had any luck. I was going to make a .capx but I have no idea how to use the AJAX properly to accomplish this, even after reviewing the AJAX object page in the manual.


    So if anyone can point me to a real basic example showing how to get from a locally stored .csv file to storing the values in a string, that would be great. Thanks!

  • I'm wanting to create a program for use on my Android phone. This program will need to have a list of different items that I can use swiping to sift through and then pick one item with a touch.

    I'm working on the swiping interface right now and I included a .capx. It seems to work ok on my computer but seems a little more buggy on my phone so I'm wondering if anyone can improve upon it or if there are any other good examples out there?


    I'm also wondering if there is a good scrollable list example program? I know about the scroll-to feature so I could probably make a program with a scrolling layer to hold the items and a static layer to hold the window. The way I did it was to just change the y-location of the text itself. Ideally, my program would be slightly flexible to change the size of the text items based on the size of the screen.

    Also, to run a Construct 2 program on my Android phone, does it have to run in the browser or could it theoretically be uploaded to the "Google Play" store and downloaded like a regular app?

  • If I have an object of Car and I have a blue instance and a red instance and I want to compare the cost of each car to the other, is there any easy way to do this?

    I would do it by "Pick instance with UID" which will isolate the red car and then store the Car.Cost into a global variable "tempCost". Then I will have to again "Pick instance with UID" to isolate the blue car and then compare the "tempCost" variable to the Car.Cost.

    Is there a way to more directly compare Car.Blue.Cost to Car.Red.Cost? Thanks