DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • you could use a local variable on the card and set a angle value... then add and subtract from it ... and rotate the card accordingly to the variable value

    wouldn't be easier to make a sprite sheet for ur cards? i know its memory intensive but wold make a huge quality appearance difference

  • imothep85 see if this example works for u FlipCard Width

    Aher0 setting angle to +180 will only rotates the card by 180 degrees which turns it upside down

  • hi Tom, i have been trying to make a few tutorials and translate some in the past 2 months... i made a post about this issue... and some members of community said you where away... but that was 2 months ago... my problem with tutorial area is that whenever i press "write a new tutorial" or "edit a tutorial" or even "translate" one tutorial... the page goes back to the main page of "Tutorial section"... is this a website issue or is again a account related bug? i had a issue long time ago... with my other old account was unable to load the forum on some parts giving me some error codes on drive missing anyway by making a new account fixed the issue ... i just hope i dont have to create a new account... cause im a seller on this one plus the reputation points is just to hard to get back! Hopefully this can be fixed and that you have time for it!

    il be gladly sending screen videos of the problem if you need. im currently using chrome... but i dont think that is an issue!

  • you should try this plugin outrun by master Gigatron ! its doing exactly what your asking its easy to customize the graphics u just basically plug and play! hope it helps you!

  • this is an awesome effect master Gigatron i have no words about how cool this is i already can imagine different ways to implement this in various projects .... however i can't go upper then 12 fps on chrome... cause who really uses Firefox anymore....

  • maybe you can use Video plugin...

    Mixing the File Chooser and Video plugin

    thanks for the reply, i already have that implemented just ... video plugin doesn't have an equalizer effect... which the project i was working, its based on.

  • hi, i had some project a few months ago about wave forming... and now i wanted to finish it! however i need a bit of a help with it... or an answer to a question to know if its even possible... i know we can call certain plugins trough js execution using the browser plugin... however is there a way to tell the audio plugin, c2 has, to play a certain song from the filechooser? and if is possible could anyone share a code snippet for it?

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  • hi, what for is Your plugin?

    what is LMS?

    Scorm LMS Engine i think thats what its about!

  • depends on how many buttons is "many" if its a large amount of anything(>500) it can get pretty cpu intensive or hard(RAM/HDD - reading and writting) usage going upper! however it wont make a difference for today's PC's. I cant say about mobile apps, depends what is your target as a device there, but if you plan a universal app for as many mobile platforms as possible... you wold need to keep things S&S and just create the illusion of many buttons! i always use sprites object as buttons, i know needs more download memory and ram ... but once its loaded any device can use it without much effort!

  • if there is another license saying your allowed to use it only once in a production... then its not royalty free! its a category mistake ... i seen this thing on most websites...

    free royalty = you can do whatever you want with it as long you dont sell it! a good example of free royalty is the free bundle from scirra. the rest are not so much free royalty since the license of use overrides the category.

    • Post link icon

    this is a funny question..... rofl!

  • is there any animation to them?

  • and the cow

  • is for you guys "write a tutorial" working? when i click it just refresh the page of tutorials and thats it... is it closed because of the spam bots?

    or is just chrome?

  • there are a few Highlighted Marks in the store when u are trying to upload the items.. they(the marks) are asking you ... do you own the copyright of the images...assets etc? meaning if one of ur stuff included there is not your's scirra can reject your zip file. you are asked like 3 times before you press the upload button not sure how you didn't seen it !

    and as kyatric said... you should read the seller agreement.... i mean its a business.... you should read the papers...

    (ps. is that the avatar that has a overlaid banned user text? or ur account got banned? im confused...)