DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • X3M hi, i wanted to ask you, is it possible instead of doing all those cloning stuff, just to add a name input for the newmesh type?

    This is more of a request then a suggestion since only makes sense in having it and many i guess wold agree:

    like for instance... at the moment, if i want to create multiple newmesh instances, they all have the same name, and the name of them it only can be changed using the clone array, or by placing duplicates in the screen and change it manually, but ... wouldn't be much simpler to just add a expression ... set name? i mean that wold drop the need of cloning... plus cloning a mesh with the array has weird issues, you will have as you shown to run loops every tick in order to move them, which are very cpu intensive if you plan on hording around 200 objects and add some weird effects to them.

    hope you understand what im talking about!

    P.S the Set name parametter is already there - in the object settings left side ... you only need to place it inside the object.expression so we can call it with conditions, to our needs.

  • It´s a Bug or I´m doing something wrong?

    I have two files:



    When I export the project, they become:



    Windows does not matter, but Linux does not find the files.

    its not a bug, by default C2 on export, it renames all the files to lowercase, to avoid miss usage just rename your files with lowercase in your project before exporting and use the names as they are

    im guessing your using the exact names with uppercase in your project, and Linux is hyper-case sensitive locked, which is why wont find your files.

    Bumping this thread.

    Is C2 supposed to lowercase the names of the imported files?


    just name all imported files to lowercase names, and everything should be ok. same applies to videos or anything else.

    see the official bug report and response of Ashley on this problem since February Lowercase Bug report

  • The vertex morphing can only be used with the new created meshes because the meshes that are loaded inside a scene have their matrices locked by the 3D editor, I will add examples later

    so that means, if i clone a material and morph that one the vertices should work with morphing with that one?

    also i noticed, if i clone a box for example, i played with the last example myself also, the one with the wall, and i cloned a box from there, i took the one with name Box and cloned it 10 times on scene loading, everything worked perfect, but ...

    when i tried to modify their scale size it didn't work for the clones, i can alter their position or colors by calling them all Crates collectively that means every Crate object wold do the changes, just the new ones, dont rescale they just react to position and color change... do i need to enable them or something? also i did enabled the mesh after creation so should work, but sadly it doesn't. am i missing something?

    also if i try to pick the new clones by the name Box since their a clone of the initial crate with mesh name Box, they are not picked, are they getting a sequence number or something when created? or are they set on default to Box001?

    take your time, the progress so far is amazing, i cant wait to get some Audio Analyser Demo done with it, its already taking shape hehe reacts awesome to music beat rates. and Performance is just incredible i dont brake under 60FPS no mater what i do. its perfect.

  • The 0.5 version have Mouse Lock or at least he told me that here:

    I still not search for that, still figuring how do all from scratch. A bit confusing to manage the X,Y,Z and camera target , hope with some template be all more clear.

    yea i didn't seen it lol... i modified my early post, this is just awesome.

    its doing the mouse lock like i was thinking just set camera to mouse lock on click. which is awesome. best plugin ever.... i still need to learn how to morph the vertices and see why after i change mesh vertices, they dont shape the object to the new values... X3M maybe it needs negative values?

  • lol nevermind, what i was saying already is there... your awesome.

  • Sorry to bother you again, but do you know how can I put two photos with links side by side?

    (I get this result if I only put the first code side by side with the second \/ )

    you have a space between the codes, check your lines in signature see if the codes are breaking like the new pasted one is starting under instead of near the old one, that wold be a space that is creating by the "newline" or

    this is something i write without space right? -> [url][img][/img][/url] 
    this is something i write with space by pressing enter or copy pasting and bbcode automatically ads a space
    [url][img][/img][/url][url][img][/img][/url] <- this is how they should look  ? see signature 
  • Rasputin i understand, its a good title since represents the gameplay, but since this is a forum, and a place on internet where people rarely swear or are sometimes a bit rougher in their speech, none so far was so direct with their game title, you could atleast use F#!@ or Die ... for purpose of obeying the rules atleast.

    plus as i can see the real name of the app is this "CHOICES GAMEBOOK : CYOA VOL. 1" atleast please stop arguing when your intentionally doing this to test the repercussions of being "unfiltered" in speech.

    more info about your game bellow, you could'v re-posted that.

    "Choices game book : ekdu vol.1 is a crazy gamebook adventure. You have to take difficult and crazy choices to modify the game flow.
    Choose your own adventure carefully. You can be a good guy or a bad guy, it is up to you.
    You will take the rol of an anti-hero, a virgin 35 yeasrs old guy working on a Mac Burger trying to lose his virginty. 
    The adventure occurs through one day long in wich you have to choose your own adventure taking choices and fight with some stupid enemies that will try to make the things difficult to you.
    This gamebook is in the style of the classics of Choose Your Own Adventure but more vandalic.
    • Attributes as power, strength,money and life, so you can die.
    • One choice can change everything.
    • You choose your own path.
    • According to the choices you take, different options will be available to you.
    • Fightl crazy monsters and stupid enemies, or avoid them using your dialectic skills.
    • Choose to be the bad guy or the good guy. It´s up to you
    • Nice music and sound effect, if you don´t like you can mute it.
    • Crazy illustrations make by hand.
    • The luck is a factor in the game. So, yor path will be modify.
    • Explore the alternative ways.
    • Spend your money wisely, you have to pay some debts.
    • Experience an original and crazy story, specially created for this format.
    • Crazy talking and bad speaking gamebook with original situations.
    This game was created by El Cuerno del Unicornio Games and Apps, this is my first choose your own adventure gamebook, if it is welcome I will create more improved gamebooks.
    You can follow new games and apps on my facebook website:
      www[dot] elkuernodelunikornio/
    Do you have any doubt or suggestion? Please let us know. Contact us at elkuernodelunikornio[at]gmail[dot]com"[/code:3ndch0xr]
  • Una pregunta, como puedo hacer para que cuando haga un juego para android el juego se adapte al tamaño de la pantalla del celular y quede en pantalla completa y no se ponga unos cuadros negros en los lados de la pantalla? ahh, y también como puedo configurar en el modo que se jugara el juego si vertical o horizontal. Por favor ayuda!!!!

    not sure how good is this translated but here we go... blame google for bad translation please haha

    Por favor lea cuidadosamente le manual Y después de que aprendió los fundamentos de C 2 .... usted sabrá.

    The mobile orientation can be locked from left side of project... its called orientation... by default depending on your project can be "Any", "Landscape" or "Portrait"

    I recommend reading the manual first.

  • Sex is a normal thing, and children are looking for it in porntube.

    still its not a appropriate title from various reasons

  • id say best approach wold be to use variables and touch indexes. for example for movement, tap &hold and drag direction left or right to move, if u want to jump just tap and see if the 2nd index of tap is detected seems the best reasonable approach however i didn't tested it yet, il try maybe tonight

  • So, I am doing this:

    Layout 1 (with drawing):

    On Left button clicked > Take snapshot of canvas

    On canvas snapshot > LocalStorage set item snapshot1 to CanvasSnapshot

    On item "snapshot1" set > Go to Layout2

    Layout2 (with another drawing):

    On Left button clicked > Take snapshot of canvas

    On canvas snapshot > LocalStorage set item snapshot2 to CanvasSnapshot

    On item "snapshot2" set > Go to Layout3

    Layout 3 (with sprites used to load the snapshots):

    On start of layout > LocalStorage | Check item "snapshot1" exists

    On start of layout > LocalStorage | Check item "snapshot2" exists

    On item "snapshot1" exists > sprite1 | Load image from LocalStorage.ItemValue

    On item "snapshot2" exists > sprite2 | Load image from LocalStorage.ItemValue

    I don't know if this is the best solution but it works for me. I hope it helps some one.

    but if you can save the snapshot url in localstorage then you dont need to switch the layout, unless the canvasurl is direct influenced by the layout name or order... so by changing the layout you also change the canvasbloblurl... cause i tried to place my theory in a template and the url wold be the same at a point where i was thinking is a bug. but its not its just making sense being the same layout wold have same url and data no matter how many shots u have... its not like is automatically saved in localstorage.

    im glad you fixed it il take a look at it.

  • update v1.3 available, due to the request of some users i added a few more modes however they are not the ones that allow the "cap land" bump*

  • why is it important?

    i guess he was arguing with someone about this ?:) or was just one of those things that our minds takes us to when we are bored.

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  • well yea , the problem is the post or problem you made is a bit confusing ... first you say the order you need "As it sounds like if the z order was ABAB it would never get changed to lets say AABB" but z-sorting, or z-order if im not mistaken.... its a overlapping order... not a linear one...thats why i said try IID sorting for AABB then if you want overlapping z-sorting then i dont know.

  • see the video it says the pronunciation how it should sound its more of a "constract" depends from what country you are but "a" in my country has no accent like in english where is "Ae"... where in my country is more of "Ah" h being muted.

    however the guy in the video might have a english accent i think he is not native english... has a french kind of "sh " in his voice but i might be wrong.

    however is regarded as being a non-verb its a object not an action. even though the name depicts the actions you do with it one in primary which is to contstruct games