DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • Gigatron this starts looking better and better... u got to much time on your hands hahaha i love it though

  • trigger once on co2 spawn?

  • if you have ur particles in flash or gif u can use any tool that allow u to explode the gif into frames, or select individual frames of it, photoshop cs6 and image editor visual studio smth was it a old software meant for that, if not u can use gif.maker online or smth like that , i wold not use pngs for the particle effects, it wold be less memory consumption if u use jpegs with a black background and use blending mode alpha , it will automatically remove the black color and ul have ur particles more realistic looking,and less memory usage per frame, but now depends on how much color they have. and what is the background color, u have to trial and error, till u get ur working settings.

  • i still dont get it, ... the demo is awesome... but what is the plugin doing? is it for the road ?

  • you can rotate objects by telling them to rotate towards a position in your case when the touch is active rotate towards the angle or position the touch x y is at ... rotating ship by rotating the wheel is basically similar just instead of using the angle u use a variable(number) that increase or decreases as the big wheel turns left or right...

  • for split screen you can do that easy with 2 viewports(which acts like canvases areas as an object) trough q3d plugin... but then not sure if u want to use any 3rd parties.

    or you can ask Gigatron to see if he can implement the viewport in his ThreejsCanvas plugin he is working on which is using the same libraries as Q3d since both are based on ThreeJS

    or you can make a 2d canvas viewport based on the ThreeJs but using the Canvas2d? not sure if that makes sense or how hard wold that be.

  • you mean stomp action? like mario jumping on mushroms?

    if your using platformer behavior for jumping and control... u can easy do this by adding 2 conditions on colision with enemy and detect if the main player is above the enemy... so the conditions wold be

    1 on collision with enemy

    2 is mainplayer falling ...

    action destroy enemy

    it may not work properly ... but the main idea is to calculate the main player position when he is above ... also if u using platformer behavior.. the only way you can make things solid, so the main actor can behave, like he hit something solid is by adding the solid behavior to other things in game...

    i think there is a platformer example around forum also.. doing exactly those things. ..

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  • try instead o resetting all variables to 0 using a dictionary? and clear dictionary but keep the userid outside the dictionary in a global variable? that way u only need to clear dictionary .. or same as dictionary u can use arrays ... if that is to complicated you can always set the variables u need to reset to initial value manually by setting the actions for each of them when player lose like this : variable 1 set value to 0 etc that way you have bigger control on what u reset and easy to understand...

  • Gigatron this is so cool

    that game is so awesome ... fast and smooth .... i wander is the map automatically created?:D

  • > your brand new website is down?


    Yeah, I stopped this awhile back, I might put them up on Store later...


  • your brand new website is down?

  • we dont benefit at all.

    please dont say that , there is always a benefit its not a profit benefit from the apps u help to publish, but is a marketing benefit , which ur profile or business raises awareness and build a user base for all apps that u get a profit share from u should state that .. so people will understand that this is a " You scratch my back il scratch yours " type of deal .

    outside that its a good opportunity for people who dont know how to pull in downloads, and will help them to spread their name across ... marketing such a tedious business

  • Ethan C-7 I made few tweaks and differences , it is better now?

    looks perfect, Naji , dont worry Rovio wont come after you cause you made 10 $ from ads on a game that uses fan art ... thats the entire point i discussed here.... good luck

    Ethan read this

    Source: 17 USC Section 106.

    Copyright does not apply to works in the public domain; words, names, slogans or short phrases (those may have protection in trademark law); blank forms; works that are not original; and government works. This is important to know because if the work is not protected by copyright, then there is no concern whether the Fair Use Doctrine will apply to allow you to use the work.

  • wow awesome flame effects on the 3d(ish) ship was amazed by the FPS rate while doing all that GPU webgl flooding its awesome

    thanks for sharing

  • set layout size to 2000*1000 scroll layout to 0,0 wait "dt or what value u want" CanvasSnapshot wait "dt or what value u want" set layout size to 1280*720 scroll to 0,0

    if your wait time is to small when the layout resizes you might capture the wrong size ...

    saving a snapshot tutorial