Doppel's Forum Posts

  • <FAST>

    Give enemy the RTS Movement and make event "Start of Layout" -> "Sprite: Avoid moving over Something"


  • Hey wait... isnt j0h a game maker guy?

  • �why is this?

    The 1,469 should be 0 but i changed it by hand so it was innacurate. Oh yeah and remember in construct 0 angle means Right (thats why i rotated your lazer beam), so when i change the bullet angle in events to 270 it direction is changed to Up which determine where bullet will go.

    �what is that "central square" wich is at the left in the bullet and in the center in the "enemy ship"? and �how can i change it and for what?

    Its hot-spot, what it does its the center of sprite in simple speaking so if your sprite will be rotated it will have hot-spot as your center of sprite. You can change hot-spot in picture editing, its that red cross below elipse tool.

    And yeah in that enemy ship change his Angle rotation to "No rotation" or if you want him to change his direction properly just rotate him by -90 degrees

  • Im afraid not and even in construct wiki there in no thing about it (yet), im afraid you have to figure it out on your own. Feel free to ask if anything is unclear.

  • Yes only that.

  • Look guys the msn joined the party

    <img src="">

  • What!? Damn i didnt thought i had to destroy the laser end in it... thanks Ashley for helping us out even though you have exams.

  • Yes but it works only in theory becouse i tried same ideology but it was failure becouse that instant-hit is a bit... inacurate , when using a detector with speed of 1000 it works pretty good yet its slow, ... r-cap.html

  • I mean support for loading 3D models to make 2.5D type games (obviously, if you've read my earlier posts). Call me crazy, but all other features don't matter to me. Pixel shaders do not look right without some polygons moving around on the screen. You keep adding fancy pixel shader effects but they look completely out of place being used with flat pictures.

    Well for me Pixel shader works splendid with "flat pictures" i like it when Past mix with Future, 2D games have something that 3D will be never able to deliver gamers such exitement.

    So tell me, where do I start?

    If you'r a begginer try the "Hello world!" program.

  • [quote:1z2hllzo]Hi kids,

    Hello full-grown-person.

    [quote:1z2hllzo] ... iZa6Wlpyn5

    Nice GameMaker tetris clone.

    [quote:1z2hllzo]So we beginners have a usefull tutorial, instead of the poor shooter tutorial we have now.

    Well i think this shooter tutorial is good.


    Kids its time to stop protecting your knowledge. (Actual reading the forums; it looks like none of you can actual make something in Construct)

    Protecting knowledge? And we wont create anything in Construct becouse its still in development so most of us are testing the possibilities of this software and searching for bugs in the meantime, if you read the forum you should know that people are making games like SoldjahBoy but his game is still under making.

    Oh and i dare you to make this in construct. Lets say u can have 2 weeks to do the job ?[/code:1z2hllzo]
    Well i can try it starting from now.
    And wth are you trying to compare GameMaker with Construct? Seriosly GameMaker have like 6.0 version of itself and construct will be 0.9.5 in several days maybe so its like comparing Mature Man with  Boy.
  • Ok its maybe not a bug but a minor dislikeness, when layer is smaller than runtime window i though it would be like in center but its...

    <img src="">

    Yeah... is it bug or i just dont like this?


    Yeah and also i found this

    <img src="">

    it only happends when right clicking on stuff like sprites, gradient...

  • Whattahell?

    ...what just happend?

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  • You mean like online-poker? or just how much people know what is poker and can play it.

    in b4 only strip

  • next up "Game Maker guy" XDDDD