Doppel's Forum Posts

  • Dammit! I'm going to buy a new graphics card as soon as i can. i really need ps2! Could someone create a non-ps version in the meantime?

    Software rendering?? Dude no way it will lag as hell, thats why they invented Pixel Shaders and Vertex Shaders.

  • Well you can just change the pivot placement, but its more complicated than that i tried to make this kind of drag&resize but its little tricky...

    Yet i made it


    1 - to resize left top corner

    2 - to resize right top corner

    3 - to resize left bottom corner

    4 - to resize right bottom corner

    You can make the grabbing detector by adding

    "MouseX=>Sprite.Left ^ MouseX=<Sprite.Left+50" & "MouseY=>Sprite.Top ^ MouseY=<Sprite.Top+50" So it will grab the Left Top corner.

  • I discovered a problem with the particles object. When you place a sprite close to a particle object it will adapt the sprites color. Remove the sprite or place it out of the screen and the color is back to the properties settings.

    Try it...

    Sorry to tell you this but i dont have this problem.

  • Cool games, reminds me of Wii

    Why there was a Pluto in the planets? He's not a planet anymore.

    also cathing the ball is paaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn

  • Try Construct 3

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  • <img src="">

    LOL even china is after Construct.

  • Haha another Polish website, i hope it will last longer than the other one...

  • Nice now we can do things like destructible walls or make worms-clone.

    Nice work.

  • Hell yeah! Gonna test it now.

    Thanks Ashley


    Ok new bugs found

    -Paste clone makes your clone not at cursor.

    -The "Paste Clone" clone don't have angle thingy.

    -Also whenever the "Paste Clone" clone is changed in graphics it affects its "parent".

  • <img src="">

    What the hell is that!?


  • Its laggin probably becouse the construct engine is not optimized.

  • lol and to create random value there is random(x) funtion which apparently generates a random number from 0 to x, so in order to have random time respawn we have to change a little the event.

    "Every 2000+1000*random(1)+1000*random(5) miliseconds" -> "System: Create object Zombie on layer 1 at (x,y)"

    in before question why random(1)+random(5) becouse i dont know if random have some kind of number limits so it will go as it.

    Edit: The green text is heresy... now it should go like this

    "Every 2000+1000*random(7) miliseconds" -> "System: Create object Zombie on layer 1 at (x,y)"

    Becouse number 1 is new 0 in construct =D

  • And , the 3D boxes uses only the "Right Face" one, so there's windows on the roofs >_< is this a bug or something?

    Yep its a bug, it should be fixed in the next release.

  • "Every 5000 miliseconds" -> "System: Create object Zombie on layer 1 at (x,y)"

    And you can add another condition so you can stop creating zombies.

  • > Ummm how big is the enemy and did you change his cell size? Maybe thats the problem.


    See for yourself.

    And what's "cell size"?

    Ok zombies are going towards me and they are killing me, the cell size is in "RTS Behaviour" on the left, also give zombies rotate speed like 1000 so they can manevour better, give them cell size 10x10 and test it.

  • Ummm how big is the enemy and did you change his cell size? Maybe thats the problem.