dop2000's Forum Posts

  • And I gave you two possible reasons why this could be happening. If your entire group is deactivated during the very first tick when layout is opened, then all "On start of layout" events in it will not be triggered.

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  • abdalghani , he meant microphone input, not audio playback.

    I can't get microphone to work in Chrome, it keeps blocking access to it..


    Have you tried starting new project and selecting "Microphone input" example? There is a sprite that's getting bigger/smaller depending on microphone volume. You can easily change it to sprite movement.

  • First, your array structure should be like this:

    X0,Y0 =Name1 (this element can also be referred as X0)

    X0,Y1 = Spec1

    X0,Y2 = Spec2

    X0,Y3 = Spec3

    X1,Y0 =Name2 (this element can also be referred as X1)

    X1,Y1 = Spec4

    X1,Y2 = Spec5

    X1,Y3 = Spec6

    To pick random name use this code:

    variable r=int(random(array.width))

    Text1 set text to "Name: " &

    To loop through all specs for this name:

    For y=0 to (array.height-1) -> Text2 append text, loopindex) & " "

  • Ok, then try this:

    Character is overlapping Sprite -> Sprite set opacity to 100

    Else -> Sprite set opacity to 50

  • Touch is touching object Sprite -> Sprite set opacity to 100

    Else -> Sprite set opacity to 50

  • Here is a demo I made using R0j0hound's example from some other post: ... .capx?dl=0

  • No, quite the opposite.

    If your parent event is "animation has ended", and in the sub-event you check if objects are overlapping, then overlapping check will not be performed while animation is playing. So it will have zero impact on performance.

    It's the same situation with "On collision" event, however since "On collision" is a triggered event (it only lasts for 1 tick), you should be careful when using it in sub-events.

  • The easiest solution would be to simply move all other "On start of layout" events out of the "Game Engine Pausable" group.

    Or you can investigate why this group becomes deactivated when layout starts. It's hard to tell by these screenshots, but I'm guessing some event momentarily sets InGameMenu to 1.

    Or if you are switching to this layout from some other layout, it's possible that this group is already deactivated when layout starts. Add this to your event #1, it will tell you if the group is active on startup or not:

    Is group "Game Engine Pausable" active -> Browser Log "Group Game Engine Pausable IS ACTIVE"

  • Instead of the Persist behavior try setting your player as Global object. Also set Global for all its dictionaries.

    You'll need to remove the player instance from all other layout except the first one.

  • I'm now not sure what did you mean by "add score using lerp"?

    Do you want to animate the score?

    See this capx: ... .capx?dl=0

  • a) yes, I believe so.

    b) When you click any layout on the Project panel, you can change its event sheet in layout properties on the left panel.

  • This is a huge issue for me - I'm used to C2 shortcuts where Ctrl-W closes an active tab and Ctrl-F4 runs the project in debug mode.

    In C3 these keyboard shortcuts immediately close the browser window! It's incredibly annoying. Can anything be done about this?

  • See this post for some examples:

  • So you need pick 2 instances of Thing, check if some boolean instance variable is true for both of them, and then destroy 2 instances of Stuff?

    You can do this:

    System pick Thing by evaluating ((Thing.UID=1 | Thing.UID=2)  & Thing.someBoolean=1)
              Stuff Pick Instance with UID 03 -> Destroy Stuff
              Stuff Pick Instance with UID 04 -> Destroy Stuff 
    It's a bad habit to use fixed values for UIDs in your code, you should use instance variable "ID" instead.
  • You can't check for collision as collision event might happen while animation is still playing, so you need to check for overlapping.

    Something like this:

    Unit on animation "attack" ended

    Unit is overlapping Enemy -> (deal damage to the enemy)