dop2000's Forum Posts

  • Your image is not loading.

    Check out the Shadow Light object - in C2 click "New project" and search for templates with the word "Shadow"

  • Add another condition to your touch events, something like "Touch.Y<(layoutHeight*0.9)"

    This will ignore touches in the bottom 10% of your layout.

    If you want to allow players to keep one finger on the screen, you will need to process multiple touches:

    loop from 0 to TouchCount, compare Touch.YAt(loopindex)

  • You can use .PinnedUID expression:

    System Pick object1 by comparison object1.Pin.PinnedUID=object2.UID

    ...object1 is overlapping object3

  • Try Construct 3

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  • waltg

    To open a project saved in newer version, unzip it to a folder, open .caproj file in Notepad and edit this line:


  • Try Swirl effect.

  • I would never understand why people create several fancy start screens and add 40+ megabytes of music and animations, before coding basic game mechanics. Doesn't it annoy you when you have to listen to the same music and go through the same screens hundreds of times every day?

    You could have at least removed all that unrelated stuff before posting it here, as a courtesy to those who are willing to help you.

    1. You are spawning targetspr in event #27 on every tick while 3 conditions are met. If you just want to spawn this sprite once, you can add another condition:


    2. Not sure which sound you are talking about. When I press Z, the "jump" sound is played immediately.

  • How do you move this object with mouse - with drag and drop behavior? Or setting position to mouse x,y on every tick? Or using some other method?

  • Not all EPS files have binary data, some are entirely plain-text.

    You can modify your script to look for the "%%BeginBinary" tag and if it doesn't exist - process this file. If this tag is present - skip the file and edit it manually.

  • You should decrease it if you want to shorten the jump.

    Player is jumping


    Player is falling -> Set vector X to clamp(self.Platform.VectorX, -20, 20)

  • Have you tried changing Vector X?

    Something like this:

    Player is jumping -> Set vector X to clamp(self.Platform.VectorX, -100, 100)

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • So how does it glitch?

    Could you share your .c3p file?

  • You can create these tiled background objects on every tick - from previous mouse position to current mouse position.

  • It's a simple mistake - in your event #18 you have right_o="right"

    should be direction="right"

    There is a better way to do this, without recursive function call:

    Loopindex<50 condition is used to prevent infinite loops.