It depends on the game, but I would probably choose B.
Also consider re-coloring sprites using Tint or Set Color effect. This way you may be able to set any color using just one frame.
You can use Timer behavior, for example set keyDisabled variable to 1 when key pressed. Start a timer, on timer reset keyDisabled to 0.
Or here is an easier version:
variable lastPress=0 Keyboard On Space key pressed System compare variable lastPress<(time-0.5) .....Spawn bullet .....Set lastPress to time
See examples in this post:
Instead of pasting sprites onto the canvas, you can mask them with a blend mode. See Blend Modes example in C3.
— % is the Modulo operator (remainder after division)
For example, 13%5=3
You can report bugs here:
Suggestions and ideas here:
When you see <varies> in instance variable, this means that you have several instances of this object on the layout, and several different values in this instance variable.
For example, you have Enemy sprite with HP instance variable, one enemy has HP=100, another HP=80 and another HP=50. When you select Enemy object, the editor will show HP=<varies> because all instances have different values.
You need to install the Desktop version, it runs preview in NWjs
You can find download link here:
1. If you increase the transparent area of the sprite, you need to also increase the collision polygon.
2. You can use a big invisible sprite with Drag&Drop behavior, and pin the actual visible sprite to it.
I don't know how to do this with regex, but you can use find, mid, left, right and len expressions.
For example:
set log to right(log, len(log)-(find(log, "start text")+1))
set log to left(log, len(log)-(find(log, "end text")+1))
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
So you are displaying 4 sprites of random colors and you need at least one of the sprites to be red?
The easiest solution is to do something like this (assuming that frame 0 is empty/transparent, and frames 1-10 are red):
System pick random sprite ..Sprite Set animation frame to int(random(1,11)) Sprite animation frame = 0 ..Sprite Set animation frame to int(random(1,41))
The first event will pick a random sprite and set its animation frame to 1-10
The second event will pick remaining 3 sprites and set their animation frames to 1-40
The solution if to tween a value, and then on every tick while the tween is running, set sprite angle to tween.value
Here is a little demo, it allows to rotate the character by touching anywhere on the screen.
This code works:
Note, that if you are using C2 runtime, you will need to wait 1 tick before accessing "textWidth" expression.
You can send data to a database running on your server. It's also possible to use Google Spreadsheets:
Yep, I tried modifying your example to use dt, but I couldn't figure out how your array thing works.
There are ways to make worm/snake easier, see these posts: