dop2000's Forum Posts

  • When the character stops, you should snap its position to the grid, for example:

    Set x to round(self.x/50)*50, set y to round(self.y/50)*50

    Or use TileMovement behavior.

  • Thanks for the link - I now see that I misunderstood your issue completely..

    You just need to make the polygons a bit smaller, 1-2 pixels from all sides.

    TileMovement behavior should also work nicely here.

  • Local variable are reset after a wait. Try setting Damage variable as Static.

  • I saw a very similar post a few days ago, but now it appears to be removed. Was it yours?

    I suggest you make a simple demo (say, using one of the official templates), add Admob, record a video of the issue and log a bug report.

  • I don't know what kind of game you are making. You need to post your project file or maybe a video.

  • I don't know, but this is the first thing I would try.

    8-direction may not work very well with corners. You can try physics behavior instead. Controlling the character with physics will be more difficult, but collisions should work better. You can check this demo:

  • Try Construct 3

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  • No, I meant like this:

    And add lots of points to your character polygon to make it as smooth as possible.

  • Try editing collision polygons to remove sharp corners. Also, make sure you only use 8-direction behavior to control the character, and not changing its position or angle directly with actions.

  • These are not really formulas, they are called expressions (like properties). Expressions are super-useful, but you don't need to memorize them. There is a handy expression dictionary accessible from any dialog. Try browsing them and you'll be amazed by how many exciting things you can do with expressions!

  • First, remove "Trigger once" condition.

    When you use "Push on Y", it increases overal array height.

    So if all questions have 3 answers, you need to set default array height to 4. And then in event 5 use "Array Set at XY" action. For example, try this:

    Array Set and X:(Self.width-1) Y:(loopindex+1) Value:JSON.CurrentValue

    I am not sure if loopindex works with "JSON For each" loops, if it doesn't you'll have to use your own counter.

  • In your project create a new array file (right-click Files folder and choose New array). You can enter all your strings there.

    Also add an Array and AJAX objects and this event:

    On Start of Layout
    .. AJAX Request project file "your_array"
    .. System Wait for previous action to complete
    .. Array Load from JSON AJAX.LastData

    Run the project in Debug mode to check if the data was loaded into the array.

  • There are only 2 sprites and 5 events! You can copy them to your game. All you'll need to do is define correct codes on doors and exits.

  • I have a very simple demo for this, check it out:

  • You can use expression find(TextInput.text, "name")>=0 to check if it includes the word "name". Add another condition if you like checking that TextInput.text≠"name"

    To remove punctuation you can use a bunch of replace() expressions. For example:

    TextInput set text to replace(TextInput.text, "!", "")

  • Is it always cars? You can add another frame to the forklift sprite with a larger collision polygon (the size of the lift+car). So when the car is attached, switch to that frame in the forklift sprite.

    But if there are many different objects which can be lifted, then this method won't work..