dop2000's Forum Posts

  • Litetween can be configured on the object itself. Click the object instances on both layouts and compare their litetween settings.

    But of course the best solution would be getting rid of LiteTween and replacing it with the official Tween behavior.

  • The crosses are supposed to teleport at random places at random time. The place is different for each cross, so this works, but they teleport all in the same time, do you know why ?

    Because you are not picking a cross instance. When you don't pick any instances, then all instances will be affected. Try adding "System pick random cross" condition into event #3.

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  • You need to wrap events 23, 24, 30, 31 in "For each" loops.

    When there are multiple instances, expressions like distance() only work correctly for the first instance. Adding "For each thorax" or "For each patte" should fix the issue.

    If it doesn't help, please upload your project to any file sharing service and post the link here.

  • I need to enable/disable collisions in runtime for individual tiles. For example: there is a long river made with the same water tile. Water tile has its collision polygon enabled. I need to create a bridge to walk across the water, but I can't replace the water tile with a different tile ID. I need to keep this tile in place, but disable its collision. The rest of the river tiles should have their collisions enabled.

    Is this addon possible?

  • The files are encrypted and it may be very difficult or even impossible to restore them. Try searching for solutions in Google or posting on some other forum about cyber security..

    Here is one link I found:

  • Add "Browser Log" action with the following string:

    "Overheat:" & Overheat & " WeaponLevel:" & WeaponLevel & " RESULT:" & ((Overheat / 6) * (WeaponLevel - 100) ^(1.5 * ((WeaponLevel - 100) / 10) /2))

    Open browser console in preview (F12), try to find a bullet with NaN damage, you'll be able to see the values of Overheat and WeaponLevel variables, maybe there is something wrong with them.

    If this doesn't help, please post a small project demonstrating the issue.


    Edit: (-10)^1.5 returns NaN, so the most likely reason is that WeaponLevel is less than 100 for some bullets. A simple fix would be adding max(WeaponLevel,100)

  • You are right. Change the code like this to fix:

  • I don't know if it's possible to request focus from the inside of an iframe. But you should be able to set focus to iframe from the parent page.

  • The only way I know is to pause all objects (player, enemies etc.), using "System set object timescale to 0" action. Then run the Litetween. And when it's finished, you can restore objects timescale and pause the entire game.

  • Functions map is the intended way to do this, but I find it difficult to use.

    Another option is call the function using scripting. Copy the function name into a local variable, then execute this script:


  • You need to use either global variables, or instance, not both.

    If you are using instance variables, then change the expression to left(Self.t, Self.index)

  • These variables can be global or instance on BubbleText object. Or even local+static.

    The code should work, if it doesn't please post a screenshot of your events, or share your project file.

  • String Variable t=Your real text here
    Number Variable index=0
    On any key pressed: 
     Add 1 to index
     BubbleText Set text to left(t, index)
  • This will clear X axis at Y=3

    For "n" from 0 to (Array.width-1) : Array Set 0 at (X=loopindex, Y=3)

    This will clear Y axis at X=3

    For "n" from 0 to (Array.height-1) : Array Set 0 at (X=3, Y=loopindex)

  • "saveinfo" is an array. Try JSON.get("")