dop2000's Forum Posts

  • Is this a multiplayer game? If the dot speed depends on the display frequency, make sure to select "Framerate mode=V-Synced" in project properties.

  • hugone I doubt Eren would be able to help - this seems like a limitation of the JS library that I used, it's pretty basic. If you need a more advanced/accurate barcode reader, you'll have to use some other library.

  • Some of these addons (Board, Chess ect.) are pretty big and complex, I'm guessing the project heavily relies on them and will not work without them. Eren ported many of Rex's addons, you can check them here:

    But if you can't find some of the addons, then you are out of luck.

  • So the question now is how to make the cyan square move framerate independent.

    Since TileMovement doesn't like being interrupted like this, I would probably remove this behavior and move the sprite (or just a pair of variables) with events. This way you can make sure it's framerate independent.

  • Not sure I understand your question. Event 7 will start after events 5 and 6 have finished.

    What will happen if for some placeholder Blue=Red? It will not be destroyed and this whole loop #2 will continue executing on every tick. You probably need to reset Blue and Red variables at the start of it.

  • You need to change HasMoved variable to 1 for the selected player in each turn. This will prevent it from being selected in the next turn.

    And after all players have moved and a new round begins - reset HasMoved to 0 for all players.

  • Same way - set Blue variable to Blue.pickedCount


    If you have multiple placeholders and want to count their blue neighbors, then yes, you need to do this in For Each loop.

  • You can pick by distance:

    System Pick Blue By Evaluate distance(Placeholder.x, Placeholder.y, Blue.x, Blue.y)<20
    	Set blueVar to Blue.pickedCount

    Or add Line Of Sight behavior to the Placeholder, and pick tiles in its sight.

  • I don't understand what you mean. You add an event with the two conditions I posted above, this event will pick the player with the highest speed value, who hasn't moved yet. Then you can start the turn for this player - select its attack, spell etc.

  • i dont understand how loops work. I also dont understand what u meant by set turn order to loopindex.

    You absolutely need to study loops, arrays, dictionaries, functions, families and other basic concepts in C3 before starting a big project like this. It may take you a couple of days or event weeks, but will save you months of fruitless efforts in the future!

    In this case you can determine turn order even without loops. I assume you have 10 different sprites for players? You have to add them all into a family and define all instance variables on the family. You'll need "Speed" and "HasMoved" instance variables. On start of each turn pick players that haven't moved yet, and then pick the player with the highest speed among them.

    PlayersFamily HasMoved=0
    PlayersFamily Pick with highest Speed 

    That's it! You saved yourself 12999 events!

  • No problem! By the way, you can make the rotation smoother with this expression:

    Set angle to anglelerp(self.angle, Gamepad.Axis(0,0), dt*10)

  • In Gamepad properties (on the left panel) check Analog Deadzone setting.

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  • Possible, but not with particles. Add a sprite with Bullet behavior.

    Repeat 360 times 
    	Create Sprite
    	Set sprite angle to loopindex
  • I don't have a wheel, but I imagine only one axis should be changing as you rotate it.

    Try setting the angle simply to Gamepad.Axis(0,0) or Gamepad.Axis(0,1)

  • So you rotate the TankTower first, and then spawn particles? In this case you don't need pin.

    Try setting partciles angle to (loopindex=1?-90:90)+TankTower.angle