dondo's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • dop2000: great reading, thank you!

    blackhornet: that makes way more sense! thank you! I thought it was a really weird arbitrary restriction. It also explains why I was having such a hard time finding the .Param() when I first started building my function. I had named the Function plugin something very specific and it wasn't coming up when I typed Function into the auto complete field.

    Side note: Is there an active community for live chat? I'd love to be able to just ask a question in a chat room and get a quick answer. Especially since I'm pretty green and creating a forum topic for every small thing would be a little overkill.

  • Note: I'm using the free version of Construct 3

    1. I suspect that the free version only lets me have one function because I cannot create another one but the comparison chart of the different versions doesn't mention this at all. Am I right or am I missing something?

    2. I have a ton of global variables at the top of my main event sheet. Is there a better way of approaching this? I am working on something that will probably exist mostly within one layout but I don't really know best practices for using multiple event sheets.

    3. I learned last night about using instance variables on text and storing stuff in there so I can display it directly on the text. I was previously doing it with a global variable and then setting the text to display that. Which is the better way?

    4. I'm building a strategy/idle/management style game thats going to have values calculated and compounded frequently and constantly. I currently have those basic events set to go every X seconds with the System>Every X seconds event. Is there a better way of doing this?

  • I tried a different approach:

    I created a new global boolean initially set to false and a new event that triggers when the variable is true. That event waits and then adds the right amount to the proper variable. The previous function now has a line to set that variable to true when it is called.

    I'm sure there is a more elegant way to do it but it works for me.

  • Got it.

    Is there a different way to delay adding to a variable via a function?

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  • I have made this function with four parameters, three integers and one string. For some reason, the highlighted code doesn't add the value to the variable. The code block worked before I turned it into a function but it no longer does. I have tried it with different values in the parameter as well.

  • 5 posts