Dominius2003's Forum Posts

  • Poop!

    Thanks! =)

  • Anyone able to give advice on sharpening up IE? When I export to HTML my game loses its points...

  • Nevermind, it was... I split it up creature by creature and it's fine now.

  • Nothing? =(

    I would've imagined that I was just overlooking some simple solution for this...

  • Updated. Thanks gang!

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  • Alright, so here's what I got.

    I'm currently just testing the waters for a platformer I want to make, so I'm just creating a test room where I spawn a bunch of enemies to test out my class balancing.

    My issue is this. I get a spawn point to create 4 "Dog" sprites one after another. The character I have has a stun ability that should only be stunning the monster it hits. To do this, I created a "Stunned" instance variable for my "Mobs" family, and said "On collision w/ hitbox for this ability, stunned = 1.

    I have a line in the events that says Mobs if stunned = 1, platform speed = 0.

    Unfortunately when my character hits ONE enemy, he stuns THE WHOLE FAMILY. I tried reading it as "For Each Mobs" to just do the one it hits, but it doesn't seem to be helping...

    Any advice? I'll edit with code in just a minute here.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Fantastic! Thanks!

    In that case my game's on like Donkey Kong =D Except not Donkey Kong bc I don't need to plagerize ;)

    See you guys in 3 years when it's done! LOL!

  • I plan on making a metroidvania game w/ a large map and multiple difficulty levels, and the main thing I'm concerned about is the long-term of saving your game. I keep hearing things about the cache being cleared and nuking your saves? Something like that?

    That's my main hang-up... Any advice on this concern?

  • find(src, text)

    Find the first index within src that text occurs, else returns -1.

    I have slots in a list.

    Slot = "Head,Chest,Gloves,Belt,Legs,Boots,Back,Ring1,Ring2,Neck"

    I was under the impression that find(Slot,Gloves) would return 2 as a value, but instead of giving me Gloves position, it's giving me a total number of characters... TOTALLY not what I need.

    Does anyone have a suggestion of how I could pull a number from a search into this list?

  • I admit I am kinda pushing the engine a little, heh. Here's a screencap of the project with and without the realtime lighting enabled.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    However, notice i'm getting 60fps in both. In a browser it's between 35 and 40. So, the occasional single burp that goes from 60fps to zero and then back again within a second or two... odd.   :)

    Big fan of Terraria huh? Me too! Good taste!

    I too would like a way to limit FPS, but mine is purely because I'd like my project to feel like a retro game, and that's tough when the game runs smooth like a flash game.

  • In case anyone who sees this issue is curious, it seems that arrays have their own version of the loop which solved my problem. The loop is through the array and is "For Each XYZ"

  • I'm sorry, I know this is super tiny! I tried to get rid of irrelevant info...

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I apologize for my newbness but I'm unable to find where I can set the variable for the time scale of a layer.

    I was able to figure out what was causing my strife with the SelectionBox, strangely enough. When I add "Set Anchor Disabled" just above "Set Y of selectionbox +35" and I DO NOT re-enable the anchor, all seems to work okay... <sigh>

    So now I'm able to move through the initial window, but on to my NEXT problem, which is Inventory.

    Tokenat isn't doing what I want it to do. I'm running a loop to generate a list of items, but the ItemName text isn't setting right from a long list of attributes.

    I'll post screenies of the code in just a second here, and even if you don't reply to this thanks VERY much for attempting to help!!

  • Hi guys... Wondering what I've done wrong here.

    What I have here is a menu that comes up when I hit Esc. All elements have Anchor for a behavior. What's working - I get a Menu w/ options like Status, Equipment, etc. There's SUPPOSED to be a selection box that moves around. The selection box starts on Status but never moves, in spite of my <"Set keyboard press down arrow" Make SelectionBox Y = Selectionbox.Y+35>

    Even when I set Anchor on Selectionbox to Disabled before I try to move the selection box down by 35 pixels, nothing happens in my menu.

    Thoughts?? =(

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Hi guys,

    Every thing that I see for inventory examples shows click and drag or a system that produces a text string. What I'm looking for is a Castlevania style equipment screen.



    etc... w/ boxes around Items to begin, and you can arrow up/down to get to the rest of the menu?

    Once in Items you see the slots.






    Box is around head at first and shows what you have equipped. You press a key and it opens your inventory w/ viable equipment that you can choose from and the mods to your stats...

    I know this is super complicated but does anyone have a capx I could check out for this?
