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  • wizdigitech , thanks


    check the V2 :

  • If you like the PLUGIN , a little help is always welcome! Donate

    The V2

    ! important : Works only for the canvas , HTML elements are not handled

    Download the plugin from here : LayoutTransition

    Other HMMG Plugins : Plugins Directory

    Hey guys , sorry i was not availble last few months , Working and studying , now i am back to work on some new plugins for Construct 2 .

    So today i present to you , the seconde version of the Plugin LayoutTransition that i have already made .

    What's new

    • The feature in this plugin is that it's looks so much to a Native Transition .
    • The V1 just plays an Out-animation of the canvas it deasapear then it plays the In-animation , this version the canvas will be always displayed
    • Before you had to handel the start and the finish event to play the animation , now it's all done in the click event


    Preview V2.1 (Update)

    new 5 Animations

    How it works

    When you call the action "Prepare the layout transition" it will take a snapshot of the canvas which will take the place of the canvas and move the real canvas to another place to play the transition

    How to install

    Copy/Paste the Folder in the zip file to your plugin's directory

    Close and re-open Construct 2 if it's opened

    How to use it

    Please follow what i used in this pic

    Or like this to be sure that the Transition is ready to be played

    ************** Condition **************

    Is transition ready : Trigger when the Transition is Ready

    Did transition start : Trigger when the Transition starts

    Did transition finish : Trigger when the Transition finish

    ************** Action **************

    Prepare Transition : Prepare the Layout for the transition

    Start Transition : Start the Transition animation

    Animation List :

    Slide Up Push

    Slide Down Push

    Slide Right Push

    Slide Left Push

    Slide Up Overlay

    Slide Down Overlay

    Slide Right Overlay

    Slide Left Overlay

    Flip X

    Flip Y

    New animations V2.1


    Fade with delay





    Tested on :

    *Samsung galaxy S4 on Chrome as a webApp and Cordova as an App very smooth , but after you tap a button for the transition there will be a dealy of 100ms -> 400ms (it's cause by the snapshot function)

    * iphone 5 works like a charm

    *PC -Chrome/Firefox , works very good and very smooth

    If you like the PLUGIN , a little help is always welcome! Donate

  • Hihihi nice , maybe i have a surprise for you guys next few days about this plugin

  • you are welcome all of you

  • Hey guys , sorry i soo busy last few months , Working studying, too hard , i finish my exams next week and i will resume working on the V2 of this plugin sorry again guys

  • Hey SoldjahBoy , yea i am progressing but slowly :p , i work all the day in a Company and many hours on the night As Freelance , so i code the plugin each Weekend , it will be ready maybe at max 2 - 3 weeks

  • as you told me it works on the new stable version

  • Hey guys , i started working on a Full remake of this Plugin it will be the V2 , all what you asked for will be included in it and i will use another framework , which is the most popular for the Web Developpement which is "DataTables" , Visit it's Website "https://www.datatables.net" and take a look . so until now , what i have wrote to add

    ** The Full system will be changed

    ** Multiple Language supports (for sorting for gabicho "FOR FREE" no need to pay me anything)

    ** Cells -> reading , editing , removing , even cloning a cell :p :p :p

    ** Sorting Configuration will change on which language you choose

    ** Multiple Select

    ** Scroll Or Paggination , "paggination : instead of scroll , you will have fixed height , but with many pages 1 , 2 , 3 , .... change with your data length"

    ** Import/Export -> JSON,CSV,XML, and Google Drive Sheet if possible

    and others will come

    if you have any other suggestion let me know and i will add it to my TO DO list

  • Happy it you find it usefull

  • hey guys , give me few hours to check the code later , i was on the beach the whole day

    thanks :p

  • frcol , that problem comes only in the Beta Version

  • hey frcol , i can tell you that my Plugin has nothing to do with your problem , check this picture , with a simple "On Start of Layout" event , Alert and Console , nothing works

    that why it's not recommended to use a Beta version

  • hhhhh OKI :p

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  • YEAAAA hihihihi

  • mef1sto , buddy did you read what i wrote at the top of the post ?

    "Hey guys , i have just find a cool canvas effect of Falling characters like in matrix and i wanted to try it on Construct 2 check this Demo" , the plugin has no function