digxpro's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • I had a question. I know that when you start a new project is asks you if you want a blank presentation, or SD 4:3 or 16:9 or HD. What is the best size aimed towards Android? Or do you start with blank and set your own layout size? Also the dotted outline what exactly does that represent because it seems that most the backgrounds extend pass that border anyway. Thanks for the help.

  • Also, I was wondering how I could set a limit on how many objects you get to throw. For example if I only want to allow 3 tosses and if you don't destroy them you lose. That would be a variable instance correct? Like if you wanted to give the monsters health and do a subtract 1 from the initial value of 5. So I was trying variable instance on the object with a initial value of 3 and then did a subtract 1 from that instance but it's not limiting the ammo.

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  • Hey guys. Kinda new to construct, been reading some of the tutorials and getting a slight hang out it. I am working on a game just to kind of get used to the program and understand the functions of it. I am wanting to throw an object at another object instead of shooting it like a bullet, more of a drag and based on speed of movement from mouse or touching the screen it will project how far it will go. Would this be in the behavior that I am just missing? I tried using drag and drop but it moves it but does not project towards where I am sending it. Thanks Guys.

  • 3 posts