digitalsoapbox's Forum Posts

  • Under Layer properties , have you changed the scale rate from 100 or parallax from 100,100 ?

    Yep. Scale Rate & Parallax set to 0.



    I was expecting to be able to manually scale a layer when I scale a layout, even if the Scale Rate is set to 0, or at least scale a layer through events even if the Scale Rate is set to 0. Is there any way to get this to happen? According to the manual, LayerScale is separate from LayoutScale, so I figured I'd be able to manipulate them separately - is that not the case? I notice for the actions to set layer scale it says it takes scale rate into effect, which may not always be the desired outcome.

    In short, I guess I'm looking for a way to scale layers while ignoring the layer's Scale Rate. Seems like it'd be a very useful feature and would simplify a whole lot of GUI stuff when changing layout scale or canvas res. Something that, if scale rate/parallax are set to 0, I can still manually set the layer scale.

  • Is there an easy way to scale a layer that has its layer scale set to 0?

    For example, I'm changing the canvas size & layout scale to handle different resolutions in a window for performance reasons. This value is set at runtime, so it needs to be able to change. If all layers in a layout have scale rate set to 100, things behave as expected.

    I can understand why scaling the full layout may confuse the layer a little bit as to what to do since its scale rate is set to 0, but if I'm manually scaling a layer, I'm kind of expecting it to scale. However, I don't seem to be able to alter the size of layers using either layout scale or layer scale if the scale rate is set to 0. I'd think that if I were setting the scale manually, it wouldn't matter what the scale rate is set to, but before I report it as any kind of issue I'd be curious if to hear if anyone has run into this issue and found a good way to solve it (or maybe I'm doing something wrong).

    Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

    cc Ashley

    • Post link icon

    Hey everyone!

    So, I've succefully integrated Greenworks (or at least, I believe so) - the game launches through Steam, and the pop-up prompting to use alt+tab to use the steam overlay displays on the bottom right just fine. So far, so good... except that's about it.

    Using test commands, I'm trying to unlock achievements, but this doesn't seem to work, or at least, it has no visible effect, nor does using shift+tab to display the overlay. Is this a known issue? Any ideas what to do? I'm at a loss, so any help will be GREATLY appreciated!

    Thanks a lot in advance

    You might want to check out the Steam4C2 plugins in the Scirra store, which contain the features you're looking for (and more).

  • digitalsoapbox

    The effect seems to break a bit when an object has its transparency manipulated - is it rendering the alpha properly? When applied to a layer, the edges of objects (sprites, Paster objects, etc.) show up, even though they're either 1) fully transparent or 2) solid black with their blend mode set to additive, which should render as transparent.

    1, Can you post an 'picture or image' of the problem?

    2, Are you using the effect on a Sprite or on a Layer?

    Sorry for late reply.

    No worries! I'm using it on a layer. I'll put together a little demo so you can see.

  • Photon Scirra SDK updated: ...

    Please select region again in regions list or app will fail to connect to Photon server (regions codes are in lowercase since this update)

    FIXED: client did not disconnect from game server after Leave operation (and was disconnected by server after 10 sec. if reconnected within this time)

    FIXED: custom and well-known properties retrieval from properties update event (number instead of bool in IsOpen and IsVisible options issue)

    FIXED: options objects literals keys replaced with strings to avoid replacement during export to HTML5 (e.g. join createIfNotExist option did not work in HTML5 export)

    ADDED: 'MasterActorNr' expression

    ADDED: usw, sa, cae regions to dropdown menu

    CHANGED: (BREAKING) existing regions in dropdown menu lowercased (reset menu selection in ui after update)

    This is so awesome. Thanks!

  • Ashley

    Friends list, Achievements, Leaderboards. I've seen a few people asking for Multiplayer but Photon already works fine on XB1 with C2 and the built-in multiplayer doesn't work at all because of no real support for WebRTC on the platform currently, so I'd prefer to see a concentration on more platform-specific features.

  • Hoping for fix on this also. There are some workarounds (), but it would be great to get native multiplayer and platform behavior work nicely together.

    Try adding local variables to track player input instead of applying the player input directly to the player objects.

    For example:

    If pressing left > platform move left

    instead try:

    if pressing left > set Player localvar to -1

    if pressing right > set Player localvar to 1

    if not pressing left & not pressing right > set Player localvar to 0

    if Player localvar = -1 > platform move left

    if Player localvar = 1 > platform move right

    It's more steps, but it's also a LOT less data to send for online multiplayer, since you're just checking on/off state when they occur instead of continuously.

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  • > ThePhotons


    > Im having an issue .. if I join a room , then toggle IsOpen or isVisible , then leave the room and try to create a new room... I get this error and the room creation fails. but if i dont touch IsOpen or isVisible , i can join and leave and create as many rooms as I want




    > any ideas?


    I managed to reproduce this with 2 clients. One of them updates property. Other leaves and fails to create room then. Please report detailed reproduction steps next time.

    Workaround switching properties back and forth before room creation should work while the issue is being fixed.

    Can you clarify this fix? Switching which properties back and forth?

  • ThePhotons I'm running into the same issue as Badmiracle, with the exact same use case. If I leave the room visible/open, all is fine. If I change open state, I get what Photon is reporting as Error -2, with the message "Invalid type for property isOpen. Expected type System.Boolean but is System.Double."

  • The effect seems to break a bit when an object has its transparency manipulated - is it rendering the alpha properly? When applied to a layer, the edges of objects (sprites, Paster objects, etc.) show up, even though they're either 1) fully transparent or 2) solid black with their blend mode set to additive, which should render as transparent.

  • Welp, they've already approved my C2-based game for XBox One release, and I put their logo in the trailer, so...yeah. That'd be pretty cool.

  • ThePhotons Yeah, I've noticed it's a bit unreliable to just set it to the player with the lowest actorID. I've run into issues with it properly reassigning the master (to a room property) when a player shuts the game down without leaving the room. I'll try 2dgamedev suggestion, that sounds like it might be more reliable.

    ThePhotons is there any kind of timetable for adding the check for the master client to the javascript client?

  • ThePhotons is there a way to check who the master peer is at any time? I noticed the Unity Photon docs have PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient but I don't see an equivalent for C2.

  • &ThePhotons Do you not have a Marco Polo Tutorial for Construct 2? Like you guys have for Unity?

    Im struggling to sync objects created by the master. ( Host ) Any advice?

    Im using pathfinding and getting them to sync is a NIGHTMARE! Thanks in advance.

    How are you tracking which peer is the master/Host? I see that in the Photon docs but I don't see an even/action for it in the C2 plugin. Maybe I missed it? Or did you just create a room property?

  • ThePhotons I will post it once i can get the performance beter. Sending across 50 objects X & Y for the non host to sync is difficult without lag. I might have to add some interpolation to get that smoothed out.

    What would you advise for something like that? Send over X, Y for 30 Plus objects every 1 0r 2 secs?

    Strange thing is using the construct MP plugin i dont have that problem but it doesnt support IOS .

    It's better to send state changes than X/Y coordinates where possible. You mentioned you're using the pathfinding plugin, so doing something like syncing starting x/y, speed, angle, then sending another event when the object reaches the next pathfinding node with those same values, should send a lot less data and get things synced up faster.