DiegoM's Forum Posts

  • To be honest I have no idea how I would implement something like it.

    I imagine that I would need to transform the values the timeline is generating according to the angle of the instance being affected, so the timeline will see no changes to it's keyframes, but there would be a little bit of new code doing some additional math to modify the steps the timeline generates as it progresses. Assuming I did everything right, it should work.

    Another approach would be to transform the values held by each keyframe then just interpolate normally. If you imagine the origin of the timeline being it's starting position, rotate all the points around that center and it should work.

    Both ideas sound pretty straight forward, but I get the feeling there are a million pitfalls and gotchas in both of them :P

  • No such setting, the motion produced by timelines is only related to changes made to the X and Y properties.

  • I tried creating a particle plugin instance in r201, and can confirm that trying to preview sine or rotate behaviours produces a crash in the editor. Unfortunately this is still an issue in r202 which came out today.

    Both behaviours seem to work properly when I try to preview the layout though. Can you share the project where the behaviours don't work when previewing the layout?

  • This has been sitting on the TODO list for some time now but keeps getting pushed back by other more important things.

  • Thanks for bringing this up, there have been some recent changes that can produce such a crash.

    I don't think this would crash while previewing or an exported app though, as the editor and the runtime are separate.

  • pirx

    Can you file the issues that you have in our tracker? https://github.com/Scirra/Construct-3-bugs/issues

    We have a lot of things to do, and often times we are not even aware of problems people are having.

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  • First of, what you are trying to do is called "scraping".

    I don't think this is possible straight from C3, because no browser will allow a cross domain request if the server doesn't have the proper headers on the resource you are trying to fetch. Since you don't own the website you want to get the information from, you won't be able to set those headers.

    What you can do to get around this is to write a server side application which would not be bound to browser rules, make the request from that application and then have some endpoints on it which your client application can retrieve the information from. Since you will be in control of this server application, you will be able to set the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' on it.

    Of course the server application will not be made in C3. I will not go into detail on how to do any of this because it really isn't a C3 issue at this point.

  • Sorry about that, I saw the previous post and thought it was only the image. As others have said, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the project. So it has to be something specific to your system.

    Have you tried loading smaller images to see if that works properly? I still think it would be worth making sure you have the most up to date graphics drivers.

  • Can you share your project? It is impossible to help in these kind of cases otherwise.

    When a red rectangle is shown in the layout it means that for some reason C3 is not able to create the texture it needs for display.

    What is the device you are trying to run C3 on? If it is an older computer or a low end mobile device it might just not have enough memory to generate the texture. Maybe your display drivers are not up to date. It's hard to tell.

    Can you see any messages when you bring up the developers console by pressing F12?

  • marco33

    Follow the steps on the first post of this thread and make sure to download NW.js for Mac OS X from nwjs.io/downloads.

    All the other steps should be the same as in Windows.

  • Have you tried using the automatic backup feature? If you haven't, it can be found in Menu -> Settings.

    If it is not already turned on, turn it on. If internet stability is a problem, change the backup location from Cloud to either Local browser or Download copy. That way the saving process will not depend on an internet connection.

    Choosing Local browser will store the backups in your local browser memory, Download copy will download the backups to your system's download folder. Try them out and see which one works best for you.

    The default auto save time of 10 minutes can be changed if needed.

    As for the power, there is nothing to do about that from the software side. If the electricity is cut while making a backup, there is no way of knowing what the end result will be. Regular backups should cover for that though.

  • SwiftIllusion

    You can try changing the "chromium-args" property of package.json. Here you can find all the chromium flags you can use https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/.

  • Have you thought about just applying the blur effect when you want to do the transition?

    You show the image with the blur effect baked in, then when you want to make the transition into the sharp image, you remove the pre-blurred image and start showing an instance with the blur effect.

    Of course, if the mobile device you are aiming for is too much of potato, then it won't even be able to handle that.

  • This looks like a bug, and not a very difficult one to fix. I'll look into it.

    For this kind of things the best is to open an issue in our issue tracker. https://github.com/Scirra/Construct-3-bugs/issues

    Follow the template to fill out a bug report and you should be good to go. In this case you have everything needed for a good report. A description, reproduction steps, what is happening and what you expect to happen. An example project is not needed to show the issue and there is no crash, so those parts of the template can be skipped.

  • psychoanima I did see this post about a month ago :P

    I implemented scaling animations in the next beta, so you should be able to try that out soon.

    I will implement the second suggestion as well as it sounds sensible, but I have a question. You say you changed the step to 0.04 seconds to achieve 25 fps animations, were you using Step Animation Mode as well?

    I ask because if you don't and the Animation mode is left at default, the step value is not applied at runtime. Or did you just set the step to help with the preview while editing?