First creat a family for the players
put a variable ID on the family,
Player1 variable ID = 1
Player2 variable ID = 2
Player3 variable ID = 3
If family variable ID = currentCharacter ->family enabled input
Else family disabled
I think it's better to use in your configuration settings of the project, the option Letterbox integrate scale for Fullscreen in browser.
or use Pick random instance
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
hi, try this
on click set animation frame = current animation frame +1 or -1
Did you try a WebGL effect on layout like Sphere effect?
Maybe the animation frame for shooting doesn't work because you play 2 animations at same time. Like walk and shoot. or Stand and shoot.
you have to substract health in line 244 at metal family.
I think with your code the bullet is destroy at 244 so it can't done the line 321 because the bullet doesn't exist for this line.
Maybe you need to wait more times for the approve of Scirra for the new version
use a Variable
Variable <= 0 -> Speed = 50
Put behavior JumpThru to your platform.
when platform turn invisible -> Player Fall Platform down trough jump-thru and of course Platform Solid Disabled
Use a variable, it's better i think.
Condition 1 :
Condition 2 :
Sub condition - Variable not equal 0 -> set Variable = 0 and put other action you want
Try this
>- Variable >= 10 -> Sprite find path to
Did you try with a variable?
Like : variable = type of bullet
When player shoots, check variable
Hi i think you have to do 2 conditions,
like when Sprite1 is on land his positionX/Y = positionX/Y of Sprite2
But when Sprite 1 is jumping then only position X = position X of Sprite2
Camera system, cutscene & Bonus — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!
<p>Camera system will help you to have great movement of the camera in solo and multiplayer.</p>
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