dickylarsonn02's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Hellio i am learning make a facebook game . If we were making a offline game we do save the data such as score in the local storage. How about if i were making the facebook game?where must i save it?Any tutorials or capx file??

    Thankyouu for your time

    Best Regards,


  • Hello I just made tetris game, i am planning to make that game playable in facebook . Now i am making the coin,live,money and etc program in localstorage . Must i continue in localstorage or should i directly make the coin and live program in webstorage? If yes how do i start it?any recommendation? Thankyouu

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  • Thankyouu dop2000

  • Hello, I just made a tetris game

    But i found issue about the save and load data

    My program is when the time is 0 then coins + 1 then save it to "P1" and restart layout

    on my restart layout load from "P1" and start the game

    The issue is i just want to save and load the coin only not the entire gameplay ( like the blocks, line or score) but just the coin

    Anyone can help me?

  • Hello i dont know how to post the capx file in this website,

    but here i provide the screenshoot of the event sheet

    drive.google.com/drive/folders ... sp=sharing

    I do really appreciate your response


  • Hallo I'm a really newbie in Construct 2

    I have made a tetris game , when the blocks are at the bottom it is destroyed and the background animation changed to 1

    Im wondering if i could make the blocks dont destroyed and the rest function wortking properly which could make my game more interesting

    Best Regrads,


  • 6 posts