DiamonDcher's Forum Posts

  • Just in case, I will give a hint pop-up which class Facebook wants

  • Thank you for your answer ASHLEY. I didn't know there wasn't enough information to help with the topic. Fixing it :)

    1. I want to buy Facebook ads for my app. In order for Facebook to detect application settings, I need to add the Facebook plugin to my application in C3 and create a new project in my Facebook account. I did it (1st screenshot).

    2. In order to complete the project setup in my Facebook account, I also need to provide them with the hash-key of my keystore.jks (I did it) and specify the main active Facebook plugin/sdk class. I entered this field at random, but judging by the fact that Facebook does not track installations of my application, I did it incorrectly (2nd screenshot).

    I need help providing Facebook with the tech information it needs to be able to track my app installs. If you need any more information, I'm happy to provide it.

  • Hi Laura_D

    Maybe you can help me with this topic or tag right person?

  • Hi Tenos!

    I'm doing it now. Please tell me, did you find the information you ask?

    I stopped on the MainActivity facebook class. I don't know, where I can find it.

  • Sorry for a tag, but I believe Ashley knows what the facebook main class name is

  • I made a mistake with the class name example.

    I found this in the Unity: com.facebook.unity.FBUnithDeepLinkingActivity

    So I thins it should be like "com.facebook.(sdk).(MainActivity)" but I don't sure.

    Also, I did not find this information in the AndroidManifest :(

  • I'm regenerating my app in the Facebook dev platform. I have to specify the name of Main Activity class. For example, "com.my.app.MainActivity".

    Can you suggest what class name (instead of MainActivity) should I write?

    Thank you!


  • The warning text:

    To release an app targeting Android 13 (API level 33), you must complete an advertising ID declaration. This will allow you to avoid replacing the advertising identifier with a string of zeros, in accordance with the new rules for this operating system.

    If an app targeting Android 13 or later uses an advertising ID, the com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID permission must be specified in the manifest.

  • Hi Laura_D

    Maybe you can help me with this topic?

  • Hello everyone!

    I have exported my android project as .aab file. After uploading to the Play Market, I saw this warning:

    "You are using an outdated sdk. To prevent your in-app ads from becoming unusable, you need to update the advertising ID in the build manifest" (this is the approximate meaning of the message, since the warning disappeared during the next steps of publishing the application).

    There was a link to the documentation:


    Tell me, please, can I somehow remove this warning in the future so that I do not lose ads from the application?

    Thank you!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Yes, it works!

    Thank you, dev and community teams!

  • Hi Laura_D and zakkaplay!

    I have the same problem from today. Everything was working fine yesterday. I changed the 3 internet sources (wi-fi and mobile internet), it did not help. Also, I tried to build a version that was previously built without problems - nothing happened, the same error connecting to the server.

    If you need additional information I can provide it.

    I believe that we can solve this problem together.

  • Up!

    The problem is still there.