dformer's Forum Posts

  • cesisco, THNX for sharing ! And you made a nice game, it`s really fun!

  • Hello, what dou you mean, how can i make this:

    evervy time my hero collects an item falling from the sky, i want "+5" or

    "+25" to be displayed benaeath the heros head.

    Whats the best practice for this?

    Should i use graphics or text? I mean, if its possible to make it with text i save a bit bandwidth.

    Thnx for reply :)

  • hi msureda, i dowloaded and installed on my htc desire os 2.2.1 without problems.

    But i dont hear music/sound.The help-menu layout is a bit suboptimal on my device, dont know if you`ve seen it on desire yet. Some parts are hidden

    But the game is great. A bit difficult fpr me :) but great. Really nice idea & grfx.


    besides: the network.permissions..is it really necessary for your game? how did you convert? Appmobi? phonegap?

    Though: Great Game! Congratulations!

  • Hi there, i stumbled upon mixamo.com yesterday evening and find it pretty amazing, as i`m working on some 3d characters, which i`m modeling, animating, rendering and using for my c2-jump`n-run game (at least --> thats the plan so far).

    So, the free options in mixamos online-tool are very limitated, sure - but its really fun to animate your figures in no time at all.


    I`m really amazed about the easy worflow and the result. So, maybe its useful for some of you here.

    Have fun <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • You did it on your own within 2 weeks? Amazing! The graphic-style is pretty cool, i really like it.The specialmove is great, really nicely animated. I`m pretty curious, how it goes on...THUMSUP!!! but it too difficult to me, i hear the "you died"-sound every 5 secs :)

  • This is where my current progress has arrived at sportstarscreenprinting.com.au

    I plan on further developing this site within Construct 2 contrary to Ash's advice, not as a sign of rebellion or unappreciation but as I do believe in the work they are doing and that with the previously mentioned adjustments crawling completed project's content will no longer be an issue.

    I do wonder why each layout is not currently being exported as an individual html page as this would make the process a lot easier and would mean that the content did not have to be embedded in a single iframe.

    **or at least the option to export projects in individual html files per layout**

    Either way the tools mentioned will not only benefit the web developers using C2 but the entire community.

    I think C2 is ment to be as a game editor, not to be as an html-editor. I suppose it`s not scrirras first intention to compete with notepad, aptana, dreamweaver...

    BEsides, looking to your website makes me wonder, if you ever heard about SEO. Dont get me wront, it`s really great you built a site by your own and it`s not too bad at all.

    But it looks like you try to make business there. If so, you really, really should re-think your web-strategy. If you`re not to deep into webdesign, you should have a look at a templates-store (e.g. themeforest) or contact people, who can help you with this.

  • Looks good.

    Good luck!

  • glerikud: you need a signed file for selling it. No signed apk-file means no release at google play.

    Not sure if its possible to sign with the tools you mentioned.Last time i was looking fot, it wasnt....

  • Joannesalfa: yepp, for testing its fine, no doubt.

    But sure, "the cloud" are other companies/peoples servers (hope i didnt get you wrong).Who can say whats happening with the code you created.I dont like this thought.Maybe im paranoid ;)


    signed apk-->

  • I ran some small test with phonegap and it compiles apk data.Quite useful.


    If you want to release at google play you definitely need a signed apk-file.I think no one should do this step in the cloud! I mean, its your choice, but who can say, whats happening with your data on other peoples servers?! I dont trust it....

  • You definitely need a signed(certificated) .apk-data for releasing at google play. A debug-file isnt allowed to be released.

    But actually C2 doesns support this (as far as i know). And i wouldnt think about, to compile and generate a key within a cloud service.I ran some smaller test with phonegap just for fun, but compile with it to make seriously money?! Never ever....

    So, as there is actually another (more or less) big gameproducer-software releasing their studio edition, Scirra could need akp export too.That would be epic!!!

  • Ok,now i understand. This is clever.

    thnx a lot for your explanation <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • http://www.scirra.com/manual/109/audio <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    i use .ogg and it works.Didnt try out other formats.

  • as i own the the regular version, i`m not sure about the free version but i dont see any limits here:

    construct2 versions

    So, i guess it will be working.


    Ok- lets go:

    double-click into your layout and choose media--> audio.

    then import a soundfile by rightclicking the folder Sounds or music.

    I use .ogg-format(which is recommended if i remember correctly). You can download free sounds from the web

    free sounds

    more free sounds

    and use i.e audacity to create or convert ogg-files.

    And then connect the audio-file with an action in an eventsheet. i.e system--> on start of layout--> audio--> play.

    ItS quite easy.

  • pffff....now this is amazing!

    but where are the grfx? sprite is set visible but i dont see any grafx???

    a lot to learn i have, i guess <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    thnx Yann, this is great! <img src="smileys/smiley10.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley10.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley10.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    though i dont understand right now, whats happening here...<img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    have a nice weekend!!