devMidgard's Forum Posts

  • Kyatric Thanks!

  • Hey all!

    I'm making a 2d sidescroller at the moment and I've made an aim sprite, so I set it to every tick-> follow the mouse position, to make the effect of a shooter mark. BUT I don't know how to don't show the cursor in-game, I mean make anything that makes the windows cursor/mouse disappear!

    It is possible?

    If yes, HOW?

  • R0J0hound Thanks! I don't even seen that plugin, that's really awesome. Is exactly what I mean. I will se how it works really thanks!

    shinkan I don't have the required experience on writting in Javascript to write a plugin that does that :(

  • Hello ladies and gentlemen.

    I come for a question that is really interesting to know if it is possible now or not. The Dynamic Shadows.

    At least for me, the Dynamic Shadows make a game magic, for the horror games, or anything similar..

    So I want to know if it is possible to create Dynamic Shadows, realtime shadows with WebGL Shaders.

    It is?

  • I've puntuated all the Construct2 developers from this post very well, you all do a great job with C2!

    Also, I've made this speedrun video of my Ludum Dare game:

  • AkiraWong Good job! It's entertaining and ofcourse, fun!

  • Sylvain I think it would be frustrating, because some times when I'm nervous I just use the scroll of the mouse because yes, and it would scroll in and scroll out when I'm nervous.

    And like me a lot of people do this \o/

  • Rory Yes. My style is not really cool haha.

    My game is oficially in the Ludum Dare #24 Entry list!

    If you wanna play just follow this url.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    So, what?s up people? This is my game project, this is a great update because the game is finished right now. Now I will polish it in the hours that are left.

    But, the mechanics and the game in general are fine and It?s really playable now.

    If you like the impossible platformer games this IS YOUR GAME!

    So, there are some screenshots.

    The main menu:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The main menu is composed by two buttons and a strange creature that talks to us, the first button is the ?GO PLAY? button and the second button.. uhm I?m talking too much. It?s a surprise!

    The main conversation with your high bro:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    After you say ?Strong? how strong?? There is a surprise answer by your brother. But it?s another surprise, you would play the game to discover what is it

    And the third screenshot, it is in-in-game and it shows you how bad I am:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The secret in this in-in-game screenshot is the black blood. When you die, the black blood appears, impiding you to see well on where are you jumping. So it?s a difficultie of the game, just try to don?t die a lot of times ? like me :3

    There is a final boss that kills you a lot of times before you can kill him. So keep an eye on my game!

    So that?s all for now, tomorrow I will release the game for you guys, and I hope you enjoy it the much I enjoy?d developing it. So be sure to search ?Deal with It? in the game entry zone tomorrow!

    Thanks for reading,


  • I'm about to finish my LD Game Project.

    There is only a few things to do:

    • The music and sounds.
    • Change some bad sprites for other ones, more good.
    • Final Boss Level.
    • Main menu.

    Considering the difficulty of my game, that has been tested from about 4 people right now, I have decided to do only 6 game levels (not including conversations and the final boss level) to don't stress who plays it.

    I will publish the game right here and probably in arcade after LD ends.

    Good luck C2-Devs!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • A little screenshots, it really doesn't show anything in special, this is a conversation in my game, finally going to be a platformer, after a greeeeeeeeat brainstorm.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • <img src="" border="0">

    Hey all!

    I've created this thread because I will be in this Ludum Dare, for the second time, but with better experience and ofcourse with Construct2!

    If anyone doesn't know what is the Ludum Dare, it is a big Fast-Indie Game Developing event that gives you 48hours (a weekend) to finish a cool, worked and fun game with the theme that they also gives you, it will be announced when the countdown goes 0.

    The plan of this thread is to present all the people using Construct2 in this Ludum Dare edition.

    So I start:

    My name is Midgard, also called devMidgard (dev from developer) and I'm using Construct2 this time because I recently bought it and love'd it because It is a powerfull 2D Game Engine.

    You will see how my Ludum Dare Game advances here, in my blog, and in the Ludum Dare blog!

    This begins in less than 7 hours, so post now! NOW!

  • Nah. It's normal.. at least in a lot of games there appears a "The first time you run this game, will cost more time. Please be patient" message.

  • Valve is <img src="smileys/smiley35.gif" border="0"> amazing, right?

    Is the only company that I always think is really really good :) And it continues being it.

    Ofcourse, Greenlight is a GREAT solution for all the Indie Game Developers, like us.

  • Firstly the exe compiler, but also the shaders.