DevDan's Forum Posts

  • are you able to post all your settings you use in the Intel XDK Crosswalk build please? I've tried with a blank project and it still says build assets fail error, same as the others.

    The upload of my project zipping files is super quick, seems to not be uploading properly or something :S

  • Hmm same issue here. It's a bit more complicated now. I thought it was related to the launch icons and splashscreens, but I set them and it still failed :S

  • not long now I hope!

  • Thanks I guess that will work for when the mobile app is open. I was looking for something that you could calculate time passed while the app is closed as well.

  • Hi,

    I want to include a Point System that you earn 10 points every 2 hours for example.

    So would the best way be to just record the date and time in web storage. So ..

    1. During the game monitor time passed, if 2 hours passed add 10 points.

    2. Record the time on exit of the app, and check the time elapsed on next open.

    I couldn't find anything relating to this, but I don't want to re-invent the wheel if someone has a plugin or something for this already?


  • Hi,

    Hard to know the causes without seeing some capx or your events. Maybe check the z-order, is it on top? Have you right clicked the object and go align -> layout -> center

    horizontal and vertical. Is it set to "visible" on player destroyed?

  • Perfect thanks Helps a lot.

    I'm using it so the player has to scrub the enemy objects off the screen. So I just changed the expressions.

  • Hi,

    Is there a way to check an object is 100% overlapping/covering another object?


  • Hi,

    Try put this in the Styles Property of the iFrame object properties:


    and this is my html on server you could try similar (i'm not sure if both are required, but mine autosizes with leadbolt ads and crosswalk):

    <!DOCTYPE html><!--HTML5 doctype-->



    <title>Leadbolt Framed Ad for Android Games</title>

    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">



    <div style="position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 438px; height: 64px;">

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>




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  • Thanks pxzin for pointing me in the right direction

    I worked it out, just added a layer0 for the background image. Then a layer1 on top with the image that needs to be erased. set a brush sprite object on layer1 to Destination Out blend mode. Similar to the Lighting C2 example. Too easy!

  • Hello

    I have an image that I want to swipe over and the section that is swiped is cleared(or section made transparent). Like a paint brush eraser action. Does any one know how to do this without any WebGL effects used? I have the swipe events already.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Ahh perfect. Thanks Will be a good start for my kangaroo hopping

  • Hi,

    I think I haven't had much sleep to work this simple objective out. All I want is my player sprite is to jump left or right when touching the left or right of the screen. I have pinned invisible boxes left, right and above his head to take on the simulated actions. I don't want the player to be able to walk left or right, just jump left and jump right or jump straight up if touching directly above his head. ANy ideas? This is what I have so far... but it will jump the first time then just goes left or right without jumping.

  • Yeah same concept, that's what I'd start off with haven't done an auto-runner game yet though.

    I'd use the load/save game state to save your position on launching a quiz layout on collision and then loading on a correct answer. Probably didn't need that hitAnimal global variable. see capx attached.

    Have fun!
