DerPatrick1987's Forum Posts

  • 2 posts
  • Hi guys, i have a problem with this...

    first of all, it works great... until the fairy touches my player, he is sent back to his spawn after the "KILLER" fairy has taken all of the players lifes. Taking it�s lifes was not intended by me and also is obviously not programmed into the .capx that we all can download (wich by the way is amazing, that people share their stuff ^-^)!

    I hope it was understandable and someone can help me with this...

    Thank you

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  • Hi guys,

    this is my first post, so, hello anyone! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I basically found this Ninja plugin usefull for so many things, but the best i can think of is already used in the game SHANK

    Effect starting 1:30 where he goes in the stage and the frontpoles fade out.

    I hope that was understandable.

    Greetings from germany <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> and a happy new year

  • 2 posts