denton100's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Hi. Cocoon shutting down, cranberrygame plugin dont work with cli and phonegap (tested today). Which plugin for admob and how do you use now?

  • Hi. I have "Player" sprite (spaceship), with touch control. "Player" move only up or down. And two "walls", up and down.

    I have not any screen button.

    If Touch - Is in touch, Player Set Y to clamp(Touch.Y, WallTop.Y+Player.Height/2, WallDown.Y-Player.Height/2)

    I want add animation to Player, when Player moving Up ("Up" animation), when idle ("Idle" animation), and when moving down - "down" animation.

    How can I do that? Thank you for help

  • Now I set paddle vertical, and add this: clamp(Mouse.Y, WallTop.Y+Player.Height/2, WallDown.Y-Player.Height/2)

    I can control paddle (player) vertical, but on start of layout, paddle appears on up side of layout. What else can I do to start the game with paddle centre of Y coordinate?

    And another question. When I set mouse to control player (up and down), keyboard control ( 8 direction) stop working. How I do to work mouse movement a keyboard at the same time?

  • Thank you. I tried this. But now "Player" sprite on right side of layout.

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  • Hi. Sorry for my English.

    I have one sprite "Player", and want to move this sprite only horizontal with mouse (arkanoid style).

    System - Every tick - Player - Set X to Mouse.X

    Its work, but in preview "Player" allways start in left coner of the layout. But I want set Player potition to the middle on start of layout. What I can do?

  • 5 posts