dense's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
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  • Yes, of course you can make addons!

    Also, you are posting in the wrong sub-forum, this one is about Construct 2

    thanks plus oof I'm in the wrong forum

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  • I noticed the addon forum and thought you can make addons for construct 3. tell me if you can't do this and I'm mistaken but I hope you can. I also would be super grateful if you could point me to a tutorial or tell me right here right now.

  • I noticed the addon forum and thought you can make addons for construct 3. tell me if you can't do this and I'm mistaken but I hope you can. I also would be super grateful if you could point me to a tutorial or tell me right here right now.

  • I noticed the addon forum and thought you can make addons for construct 3. tell me if you can't do this and I'm mistaken but I hope you can. I also would be super grateful if you could point me to a tutorial or tell me right here right now.

  • so how to get advertising, I have a trailer, I have screenshots, a game(in making) and money but where do I put them all help much appreciated. (commercial break) lol if you want the game here it is

  • Downscale the object, paste it into Drawing canvas, then reload the sprite with the paste. Upscale.

    thanks works well

  • There are plenty of C3 effects you could use and if the effect accepts parameters then you can change them at runtime with a system action called set layer effect parameter or set layout effect parameter.

    which effects could I use?

  • what I want to do is to be able to make all my sprite look like they have been put through simple put them through needs more jpeg. the problem is I want to fade the effect in is there a construct 3 effect that can do this or do I need something else

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  • 8 posts