deciever's Forum Posts

  • 2 posts
  • Hey, thx. I will try it :)

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  • Hey everyone,

    I’ve been working with the engine for a while now and building a game. Many things are already working, such as character selection, different weapons, enemies, and an inventory system, but there is one thing that is giving me a hard time...

    Here’s what I want: When the player leaves a level section, that level should be saved. If the player returns to that level, it should not be reset but exactly as the player left it.

    Example: The player enters a building, and after finishing in the building, they go back to the outside world and continue from there.

    I know this can be done with the local storage system, but I just can’t get it to work...

    Does anyone have an idea or a tip?

    Greetings from Germany :)

  • 2 posts