deathangel1479's Forum Posts

  • Whats wrong with 8direction?

    If you want to make it yourself, with collision check... that will be a huge sheet! To help you would be a huge amount of time.

    8direction has everything in it. I think you dont know whats all possible with 8direction, is that possible?

  • It is very difficult to tell.

    1. I guess you should disable the 8directions for Otto, not stop it.

    2. Check if there are 8directions actions for the etoile ("on touch" etc)

    Personally I would not be disabling/enabling the behaviour. I would use a global.variable "switch" that would tell whom to move.

    On Touch -->

    if switch =1 --> move Otoo

    if switch = 0 --> move etoile

    I would not use a global, because this relates directly to instances and soon you have thousands of them and they exist everywhere.

    I would use a instance variable. Object.selectCtrl = 0|1

  • Seriously? Only the green marked working?

    My gamepad use additional axis 5 and 9...

    I want to support most gamepads, not only two types...

    Here all axis working: ... ester.html

    Seems Gamepad plugin needs an upgrade.

  • Sounds correctly and should work.

  • +

  • random() is always a float.

    round(random(6)) = 0-6 Attention, 0 and 6 have only half chance, as opposed to the other numbers.

    floor(random(6)) = 0-5 || int(random(6)) = 0-5

    ceil(random(6)) = 1-6

    Set text to str(ceil(random(6)))

    Read manual:


    Generate a random float from 0 to x, not including x. E.g. random(4) can generate 0, 2.5, 3.29293, but not 4. Use floor(random(4)) to generate just the whole numbers 0, 1, 2, 3.

  • Hello,

    I try building a controller setup and I miss some expressions.

    Missing "LastGamepadIndex", "LastAxisIndex" and simple "OnAxis", I want to store them in settings and use them here(picture).

    Or did I real need to request every possible combination to get Axis?

    "Compare axis" is very inflexible, which does not mean that it should out, but it does not meet my needs.

  • Ahh, yes.

    Your misstake is in GameEventSheet.

    On "EndGame"

    ---Timer > LocalStorage.ItemValue

    Is anytime true, because you try to get a value, that not exist, so its 0.

    There are some ways to make it nice, but I will show you first the best way to understand(same like Score Event Sheet):

    Fixed another little bug, you had "go to layout start", that was a problem. You dont die until your score was greater than highscore...

    If you want to go to begin of current layout, try "restart layout".

  • You can post url`s like http ://, and much other ways.

    Do it any way you like.

  • Did you read the added thread? (under the tutorial)

    May be this helps more.

    Or post your project, then we can see what you doing wrong.

  • Localstorage is very simple. ... age-plugin

  • len(TextBox.Text) or advanced(filter special character) use regex for example "^[A-Za-z0-9]{5,20}$". [] is for allowed characters(you can also add some special) and {} is min max length.

    Search for regex and have a look, you'll need it often...

  • korbaach wtf, nice regex. ^^

    I use this one:

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