deadeye's Forum Posts

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  • Not bad . Seems to work properly, I get the same blinkers and traffic lights all the time like with other Life games.

    I've always been curious about this little game, but I never looked anything up on it until your thread. And holy crap... it's not just a game, it's a Turing-complete computer language

    I knew it could make neat patterns but I never knew it was possible to create stable patterns that mimic binary processes. Hell, on this page (in a java app) there's a pattern that functions as an 8-bit memory cell. Nuts.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • But you've made such pretty art, why would you want to ruin it?

    Anyway, you could try the Destroy action. Just be sure to uncheck Loop in your animation.

    + Gunfire: On animation finished
        -> Destroy
    Or you don't even need to create the gunfire every time.  You could just use one sprite with a blank end frame.  Always stick it at the end of your gun, and point it in the same direction, then set the frame when you want it to play.  Make an image point for your barrel on the player.
    + Always 
      -> Set Gunfire position to Player (image point "barrel")
      -> Set Gunfire angle to Player.angle
    + On Control "Fire" pressed
      -> Gunfire: Set animation frame to 1
      -> Play animation
    When it's done it'll stop on the blank frame and look like there's nothing there.
  • He should be able to push, but it looks like something broke due to the newest build.

  • I don't see any "Alpha Blending" effect.

    Do you mean when you try adding an effect to an object, Construct crashes?

    What is the pixel shader version of the effect you're adding? Does your graphics card support that pixel shader version?

  • Try re-downloading?

  • Yeah, why not?

  • Here's my little Isometric attempt

    I've got some collisions going but they're not 100%

    I stole your movement code

    Coincidently, everything else wasn't copied, just happened to be incredibly similar to yours, even down to the tinting

    I used your .cap to make jumping:

    It jumps! In isometric! I kinda cheated, it uses Platform behavior, but the platform player sprite is off the screen. The iso player sets it's height to the platform player's height, basically. And I used your collision code to set some blocker objects in the platform area to simulate the ceiling/floor.

    A couple of problems:

    1. I don't know why but the sorting is no longer working 100%. Maybe because I moved some events around, I don't know.

    2. The player teleports down a floor instead of falling when you walk off an edge, this is because the platform behavior wants to "stick" to a moving platform, and the floor blocker is only moving a small 16px at a time, so the platform behavior thinks it's just a really fast moving platform. This could be fixed with a workaround.

    3. Sometimes the player suddenly flies off the screen, I think this is because the platform player is somehow getting squished and glitching outside of it's walls. (Edit: Actually, I think I fixed this by making the walls thicker)


    Oops, either I didn't see the next page of the thread or it got longer while I was working on mine... I'm gonna try Quazi's .cap now...

    Edit2: Tooooo Floooooaaaattyyyyyy . I like the 360 degree head movement though, very Excorsist.

  • I can't make collisions it's veryhard

    I will try again later

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  • Thanks to the efforts of Madster and Arcticus, the problem if isometric sorting has been solved:

    Since there is no collision you can clip through the walls, but the sorting is dead on.

    Awesome job, gentlemen.

  • Holy crap... it works!


    I can't believe it. After a thousand years and a million sleepless nights, it actually, really works. In-friggin-credible.

    Now I just have to make collisions work, heh

    Awesome job, guys .

  • *sigh*

    Okay, so I guess my next question is... how do you do this in regular isometric?

    Just the sorting algorithm is really all I'm interested in.

    Is it this:

    Layers.Bottom + Layers.Value('ZHeightBottom') + Layers.Value('ZHeight') - (Layers.Value('ZHeight') * 0.53125)[/code:1ew6wbfz]
    Only instead of [b]* 0.53125[/b] at the end, you would have [b]+ Layers.Y[/b]?  I don't know if I'm reading your post right.