deadeye's Forum Posts

  • It's not a bug... at least not the bug you think it is. The system command doesn't pick individual instances. Look up the "expression rule" here: ... ct_picking

    Since you're not picking a specific instance, Construct picks the first instance in the layout, that's why it's only reacting to one of them. You can guarantee that it will check each in turn with a loop, like so:

    <img src="">

    A For Each loop here will cycle through each instance one at a time so they can be picked by the system condition.

    But... there does seem to be a seems to be a minor bug with how the condition is displayed. Instead of showing pointx and pointy, it's showing object and pointx.

    As for the Else, it's working properly, but since the order of events in your example allows for changing the text to "no collision" after it's already been changed to "yes collision" then if you're overlapping one the next For Each loop can say "this one's not colliding, change the text to blue and say it's not colliding." You can confirm that by the fact that if you leave the Else in then it works properly only if you are overlapping the point of the last instance instead of the first. This fixes the issue:

    <img src="">

    Order of events! It's important! It might seem confusing at first but you'll get the hang of it.

    Hope this helps

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  • I tried to load that and I receive an Out of Memory message box...

    It's made in a newer version of Construct. The latest version is available in the Construct Discussion forum, stickied at the top.

    How is this?

    I'm pretty sure he wants to be able to target multiple enemies, and that's just one enemy.

    Here's a method for multiple enemies:

    uses v0.99.82

    It's not perfect, for some reason every once in a while the missiles decide they don't want to pick a target. I don't really feel like tracking down why it doesn't work 100% right now. But it works most of the time, so it should be a good starting point to figuring out how to make your own missile tracking system.

  • Hmm... using the Text Manipulator I can read the first line of a .jpg file (and it looks exactly like if you open in Notepad) but I can't seem to figure out how to read the rest of the lines

  • Try Construct 3

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  • It's gunna be Half Life in 2D.

    Heh, you're still working on that, eh? Well, I like where the new art direction is going... the tiny pixel Gordon looks pretty cool

  • Use the sprite's "Compare a private variable" condition to pick a specific sprite.

    Read more on picking instances and the Selected Object List here:

    wiki link

  • No, I saw my avatar fly by when you stopped to browse the forum

  • Hey, I'm in that video

    Cool vid, man. Really interesting to see the whole process go whizzing by like that. Oh, and we used to have regular 1-hour compos here once a week, but people seemed to get burned out on them... maybe because it's so stressful on the system . Perhaps we should extend the limit to 2 hours and have them once a month or something...

  • When you installed Construct, did you also install the DirectX that came with it, or did you skip it?

    Even if you think you have the latest version, you should not skip it. There are optional DX files in that install that Construct needs.

  • Are you infringing on my Red Lines And Text On A Screenshot trademark? You'll be hearing from my lawyer.

  • INI: Set INI file to "profile.ini"

    There's no path there, just the file name. Odd though, I believe if you left out the path it used to default to C:\, but there's nothing there. Try this:

    INI: Set INI file to AppPath & "profile.ini"

    Be sure to save your .cap first so it knows where AppPath is at. This will create the .ini in the same directory as your .cap (or your .exe when you build it).

  • * How do you Make my guy stop running animation (stand) after I move?

    * How do I make him run to the Left?

    You need to have events that detect which direction the player is moving. Either use Mouse&Keyboard conditions to find out which keys the player is pressing (or not pressing), or use the Platform behavior's VectorX expression to find out how fast he's moving.

    I know you're waiting for my new Platform School tutorials to come out, but if you go through the old ones with v0.98.9 then they explain this sort of basic stuff. That much hasn't changed since v0.98.9.

    *in the Conditions: what does the "Ceiling Just Above" Mean?

    It means the same thing as "Has wall to left/right" or "Is on ground." In other words, it means there is a solid object touching the top of the player sprite.

    One more thing: Either you need to use a separate collision object that you set your player sprite to, or you need to change the sprite's custom mask in the image editor. If you leave it like this then you will run into problems with Per Pixel collision. Again, my tutorials go into detail on this, you should really check them out. I hope to have the new ones out soon though.

  • Just be sure to destroy it after it's faded out. Otherwise it will still exist, and if you have several thousand faded objects in your game then it might start to slow down.

  • So far Deadeye can't run it, but everyone else can.

    I wanna yell at my computer

    I mean, and have it actually do something. I already yell at it a lot but nothing ever happens. Hopefully some kind of Python wizardry can be magicked up and I'll be able to play this in the future.

    Anyway, congrats on the award, man . It looks like the Game Jam was a lot of fun.

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